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World Tea Expo to Offer Food Safety Research

4 March 2009 1,463 views No Comment
The food safety issues that have made headlines in recent months will be among the hot topics addressed by researchers during the Executive and Technical Series of the 2009 World Tea Expo at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, May 2-4.

Launched at last year’s Expo, the Executive and Technical Series (or ETS) is a high-level conference with content for top executives, research scientists, ingredient managers and product formulators of large companies. It runs concurrently with the Expo but features exclusive sessions, meals and networking for ETS attendees only. Responding to requests by last year’s participants for more time with their colleagues, this year’s ETS has been expanded to three days, May 2-4.

In keeping with current events, this year’s ETS offers attendees opportunities to learn the latest research and policy developments related to food safety issues and functional ingredients. For instance, in the session “The China Syndrome,” Mark Blumenthal, American Botanical Council founder and executive director, will examine new policies and procedures of government agencies, nonprofit groups and businesses for ensuring delivery of unadulterated, uncontaminated products.

Taking the view from within the United States, James R. Prochnow, an attorney and shareholder with Greenberg Traurig, will present “The Implications of Changes in FDA Import Regulations.” This session will address the FDA’s Lacey Act, Prior Notice of Imported Foods rule and other government regulations that affect the food and beverage business.

Turning to the rush for functional ingredients, Herb Research Foundation president Rob McCaleb will offer the “Bioavailability of Antioxidants in Tea.” In this session, attendees will learn whether and how the antioxidants found in tea are available as ingredients to researchers and developers.

In addition to these examples of sessions on the most talked-about issues facing beverage scientists and executives, six other presentations will be given, including the return of last year’s popular market reports by leading national and international data providers.

Each year, World Tea Expo attracts thousands of retailers, tearoom owners, spa managers, specialty grocery store owners and other business professionals to view more than 300 specialty tea wholesale suppliers and related vendors exhibiting new products and innovations. For more information about the 2009 World Tea Expo or Executive and Technical Series, visit www.worldteaexpo.com.

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