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Global Lactose Industry

7 August 2013 9,725 views No Comment

This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Lactose in US$ Thousands by the following End-Use Applications: Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverages, Confectionery, and Others. The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Latin America. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2010 through 2018. Also, a six-year historic analysis is provided for these markets. The report profiles 28 companies including many key and niche players such as Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S, Bayerische MilchindustrieeG, Davisco Foods International, Inc., DMV International, DFE Pharma, FrieslandCampina, Glanbia Foods Inc., Hilmar Ingredients, KERRY Group, Lactalis Ingredients, Leprino Foods, Molkerei MEGGLE Wasserburg GmbH & Co. KG, PGP International, Inc., and Saputo Inc.

Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are primarily based on public domain information including company URLs.

I. INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY & PRODUCT DEFINITIONS Study Reliability and Reporting Limitations I-1 Disclaimers I-2 Data Interpretation & Reporting Level I-2 Quantitative Techniques & Analytics I-3 Product Scope and Segmentation I-3

II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW II-1 A Primer II-1 Table 1: Lactose Content in % in Mammalian Milk by Species (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-2 Key Market Trends & Issues II-2 Rise in Demand for Infant Formula Spurs Sales of Lactose II-2 Opportunity Indicator II-2 Table 2: World Market for Infant Formula (2012 & 2018): Breakdown of Sales in US$ Million by Geographic Country/ Region (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-2 Increased Consumption of Processed Foods Drives Demand in the Food Industry II-3 Growth in Consumption of Snack Foods Benefits the Market II-3 Growth in Pharmaceutical Drug Sales Benefits Demand for Lactose II-4 Opportunity Indicator II-5 Table 3: World Market for Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs): Breakdown of Sales in US$ Million by Geographic Region (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-5 Growing Meat Consumption Encourages Demand for Lactose II-5 Growing Demand for Lactose Derivatives Spurs Market Prospects II-5 High Demand for Lactose Peroxidase Aids Lactose Market II-6 New Applications of Galacto-Oligosaccharides to Benefit Lactose Demand II-6 Table 4: Global Lactose Market (2012): Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales of Lactose by Type (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-7 Focus on Conversion of Whey to Fuel Ethanol Benefits Lactose Production & Demand II-7 Lactose Intolerance Foods Dilutes Opportunities for Lactose in the Food Industry II-7 Threat Meter II-8 Table 5: Prevalence of Primary Lactose Intolerance Worldwide: Percentage Breakdown of Lactose Intolerant Individuals in the Total Population by Geographic Region as of the Year 2012 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-8 Key Statistical Findings II-9 Table 6: World Market for Lactose (2012): Percentage Breakdown of Production by Geographic Region (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-9 Market Outlook II-9

2. PRODUCT OVERVIEW II-10 Lactose: A Definition II-10 Types of Lactose II-10 Edible Grade Lactose II-10 Pharmaceutical Grade Lactose II-10 Inhalation-Grade Lactose II-10 Table 7: Standard Components in Edible and Pharmaceutical Grade Lactose (% Share) II-11 Production Process II-11 Structure II-11 Table 8: Physical Properties of Lactose II-12 Table 9: Typical Composition of Raw Milk: Water, Milk fat, Protein, Lactose and Minerals (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-12 Table 10: Standard Composition in Different Milk Products (Percentage Share) II-12 Table 11: Comparative Levels of Sweetness of Food Elements- Aspartame, Fructose, Hydrolysed, sucrose, HFCS (55% fructose), Sucrose, HFCS (42% fructose) a, Glucose, Hydrolysed lactose, Galactose, Glucose syrup 97 DE, High-conversion syrup 65 DE, Maltose, Glucose syrup 42 DE, Maltose syrup 44 DE, Lactose, Raffinose, and Glucose syrup 11 DE (Sweetness Comparison Considering Solids and Weight) II-13 End-Uses II-13 Pharmaceuticals II-13 Food & Beverages II-14 Applications in Food Sector II-14 Benefits II-14 Confectionery II-15 Table 12: Typical Composition of a Milk Chocolate – Sucrose, Cocoa Butter, Non Fat Dry Milk, Butteroil, Cocoa Liquor, Lecithin, and Vanillin (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-15 Lactose Derivatives II-15 Lactitol II-15 Lactulose II-16 Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) II-16 Benefits include II-16 Permeate II-16 Mineral-Concentrated Whey II-16 Milk Calcium II-17 Hydrolyzed Lactose Syrup II-17 Tagatose II-17 Lactobionic Acid II-17 Other Uses II-17 Lactose: Primary By-Product of Whey II-17 Whey and its Applications II-17 Functional Features of Whey Products II-18 Lactose II-18 Whey Powders II-18 WPC -80 II-18 WPC-34 II-19 Milk Calcium II-19 Sweet Whey II-19 Bioactive Proteins II-19 Demineralized Whey Products II-19 Whey Protein Isolates II-19 Milk Protein Concentrate II-20 Table 13: Standard Composition in Milk Protein Concentrate (MPC) (Percentage Share) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-20 Specialty Whey Protein Ingredients II-20 Table 14: Standard Composition in Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) (Percentage Share) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-21 A Focus on Lactose Intolerance II-21 Inability to Digest Lactose II-21 Table 15: Lactose Absorption Levels in Select Groups (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-21 More Prevalent in Asians, Africans and Latin Americans II-22 Lactose Intolerance Among Infants II-22 Forms of Lactose Intolerance II-22 Pathophysiology II-22

3. RECENT INDUSTRY ACTIVITY II-23 FrieslandCampina DMV Obtains FSSC 22000 Certification from Lloyd’s Register Quality Assessment II-23 Arla Foods Ingredients to Establish New Lactose Manufacturing Plant in Denmark II-23 BelGioioso Cheese Produces BelGioioso Lactose at Food Grade Facility II-23 Tillamook Cheese to Expand Boardman Facility II-23 Davisco Foods International Expands Business Operations in Singapore II-24 FrieslandCampina Secures European Commission Approval for Lactoferrin II-24 Davisco Foods International Enters into Collaboration with Magnitude Nutrition II-24 SPX Flow Technology Denmark Secures Contract from ArNoCo II-24 MEGGLE Group Inks Joint Venture with DAVISCO Foods International II-25 DMK to Establish Joint Venture with Arla Foods Ingredients to Construct Whey Processing Facility II-25 Davisco Foods International Enters into Partnership with Cornelius II-25 DMV-Fonterra Excipients Signs Deal with Brahmar Cellulose II-26

4. PRODUCT LAUNCHES II-27 DFE Pharma Offers Pharmacel® 101 and Pharmacel® 102 Grades of Microcrystalline Cellulose II-27 Abbott Nutrition Launches Ensure Complete Nutrition Shakes II-27 Aspen Pharmacare Introduces Enze-Lact Capsules and Drops II-27 Laboratorios SAVALT Announces Development of Nutira® Nutraceutical II-27 SPRIN Introduces SPRIN imibond GALACTOSIDASE Enzyme II-28 Proliant Introduces VersiLac® Dairy Ingredient II-28 5. FOCUS ON SELECT PLAYERS II-29 Arla Foods Ingredients Group P/S (Denmark) II-29 Bayerische Milchindustrie eG (Germany) II-29 Davisco Foods International Inc. (USA) II-29 DMV International (The Netherlands) II-29 DFE Pharma (Germany) II-30 FrieslandCampina (The Netherlands) II-30 Glanbia Foods Inc. (USA) II-30 Hilmar Ingredients (USA) II-31 KERRY Group (Ireland) II-31 Lactalis Ingredients (France) II-31 Leprino Foods Company (USA) II-32 Molkerei MEGGLE Wasserburg GmbH & Co. KG II-32 PGP International, Inc.(USA) II-32 Saputo Inc. (Canada) II-32

6. GLOBAL MARKET PERSPECTIVE II-33 Table 16: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-33

Table 17: World Historic Review for Lactose by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-34 Table 18: World 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by Geographic Region – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-35

Table 19: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose in Pharmaceuticals by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-36 Table 20: World Historic Review for Lactose in Pharmaceuticals by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-37

Table 21: World 15-Year Perspective for Lactose in Pharmaceuticals by Geographic Region – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-38 Table 22: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose in Food by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-39 Table 23: World Historic Review for Lactose in Food by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-40

Table 24: World 15-Year Perspective for Lactose in Food by Geographic Region – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-41 Table 25: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose in Confectionery by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-42

Table 26: World Historic Review for Lactose in Confectionery by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-43 Table 27: World 15-Year Perspective for Lactose in Confectionery by Geographic Region – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-44 Table 28: World Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose in Other End-Uses by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-45

Table 29: World Historic Review for Lactose in Other End-Uses by Geographic Region – US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-46 Table 30: World 15-Year Perspective for Lactose in Other End-Uses by Geographic Region – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, (excluding Japan), Middle East & Africa and Latin America Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-47

III. MARKET 1. THE UNITED STATES III-1 A.Market Analysis III-1 Outlook III-1 Dairy Industry: A Primer III-1 Market Snapshots III-1 Lactose Intolerance in the US III-2 Table 31: Lactose Intolerance by Racial Group in the US (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-2 Trade Statistics III-3 Table 32: US Exports of Lactose (Containing Less Than 99% Anhydrous Lactose) (2012): Percentage Share Breakdown of Export Value by Destination Country (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-3 Table 33: US Imports of Lactose (Containing Less Than 99% Anhydrous Lactose) (2012): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value by Source Country (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-3 Strategic Corporate Developments III-3 Product Launch III-4 Key Players III-5 B.Market Analytics III-7 Table 34: US Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-7

Table 35: US Historic Review for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-8 Table 36: US 15-Year Perspective For Lactose by End Use Segment – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales For Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-9

2. CANADA III-10 A.Market Analysis III-10 Outlook III-10 Trade Statistics III-10 Table 37: Canadian Imports of Lactose (Containing Less Than 99% Anhydrous Lactose) (2012): Percentage Share Breakdown of Import Value by Source Country (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-10 Strategic Corporate Development III-10 Key Player III-10 B.Market Analytics III-11 Table 38: Canadian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-11

Table 39: Canadian Historic Review for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-12 Table 40: Canadian 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by End Use Segment – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-13 3. JAPAN III-14 A.Market Analysis III-14 Outlook III-14 B.Market Analytics III-14 Table 41: Japanese Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-14

Table 42: Japanese Historic Review for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-15 Table 43: Japanese 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by End Use Segment – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-16 4. EUROPE III-17 A.Market Analysis III-17 Outlook III-17 Dairy Sector III-17 Prospects of Dairy Ingredients III-17 Strategic Corporate Development III-17 B.Market Analytics III-18 Table 44: European Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by Geographic Region – France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-18

Table 45: European Historic Review for Lactose by Geographic Region – France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-19 Table 46: European 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by Geographic Region – Percentage Breakdown for Value Sales for France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe Markets for the Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-20

Table 47: European Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery, and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-21 Table 48: European Historic Review for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery, and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-22

Table 49: European 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by End Use Segment – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-23 4a. FRANCE III-24 A.Market Analysis III-24 Outlook III-24 Key Player III-24 B.Market Analytics III-25 Table 50: French Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-25

Table 51: French Historic Review for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-26 Table 52: French 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by End Use Segment – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Pharmaceuticals, Food, and Confectionery and Other End Use Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-27

4b. GERMANY III-28 A.Market Analysis III-28 Outlook III-28 Product Launch III-28 Key Players III-28 B.Market Analytics III-30 Table 53: German Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-30 Table 54: German Historic Review for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-31

Table 55: German 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by End Use Segment – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-32 4c. ITALY III-33 A.Market Analysis III-33 Outlook III-33 B.Market Analytics III-33 Table 56: Italian Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-33

Table 57: Italian Historic Review for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-34 Table 58: Italian 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by End Use Segment – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-35

4d. THE UNITED KINGDOM III-36 A.Market Analysis III-36 Outlook III-36 Lactose Intolerance III-36 Regulatory Environment III-36 B.Market Analytics III-37 Table 59: UK Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2010 through 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-37 Table 60: UK Historic Review for Lactose by End Use Segment – Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years 2004 through 2009 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-38

Table 61: UK 15-Year Perspective for Lactose by End Use Segment – Percentage Breakdown of Value Sales for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets for Years 2004, 2013 & 2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-39 4e. SPAIN III-40 A.Market Analysis III-40 Outlook III-40 B.Market Analytics III-40 Table 62: Spanish Recent Past, Current & Future Analysis for Lactose by End Use Segment- Pharmaceuticals, Food, Confectionery and Other End Use Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual Sales Figures in US$ Thousand for Years

To order this report: Snack_and_Sweet Industry: Global Lactose Industry

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