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What You Need To Know About Roundworm and Bird Dogs

5 April 2009 1,205 views No Comment

Heartworm, or roundworm, is very serious can affect all types of gun dogs. With gun dogs, working dogs, and other outdoor dogs, you must be especially concerned because they are more susceptible to heartworm. The worse case scenario is that an affected dog can pass it on to humans, as well as other dogs. In turn, you can also pass on heartworm to your own dog.

Roundworm is a parasitic disease that is spread through mosquito bites or by getting it from other animals which have it. Animals like other dogs, coyotes, foxes, etc. can all have roundworm and can come in contact with your dog and transmit the disease to them. Prevention of roundworm is essential as treatment is extremely difficult. This disease often leads to death.

Preventing Roundworm/Heartworm

Prevention can come in the form of tablet or food additive when given to your dog as a preventative measure. A tablet can be ingested orally and mahy come in the form of a dog treat, and food additives can be added or mixed with food. Most of these treatments are monthly applications. Remember to give it to your dog each month. Use a calendar if it helps you remember.

If you live in an area where you have all four seasons, you should know that the number one carrier of heartworm are mosquitoes by means of passing on infected blood to another area when they sting their target. Where there are more moderate climactic change, roundworm is usually spread from one animal to another. No matter which scenario suits you, preventative measures should be taken each and every month, regardless of weather.

Symptoms of Roundworm

In its early stages, roundworm is very hard to detect since your dog won’t show any physcial signs of illness. Your vet can test for the disease, or skilled vets can tell by observation. It is typical of heartworm to gestate for several months before affecting your dog. During this stage of the illness, the disease can easily be treated, but it is best when your dog is asymptomatic.

A dog affected with heartworm will usually cough, and energy and weight loss are other common symptoms. The sick dog will appear to be weak and disinterested in activities and playtime. If you see these signs, take your dog to the veterinarian immediately as this can be roundworm or another serious illness.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Roundworm

Diagnosing roundworms requires a blood test. During the blood test one step will be to determine whether the roundworms are male or female which will help direct your veterinarian to the proper treatment course.

Roundworm treatment is extensive and may be very expensive to treat. Aside from that the treatment is very difficult for your dog and in fact may result in his needing dialysis. Almost all dogs will be listless, suffer weight loss, and has other symptoms while the Worms are discharged. Follow-up treatments will be necessary to ensure that all of the Worms are eliminate it from your dog system.

If left untreated, roundworm infection can lead to organ damage and treatment for a lifetime. Detecting symptoms as soon as possible is very important and treatment must start right away.

When you have any sort of hunting dog, you should always keep in mind that you should always keep your dog’s health as top priority. There are also lots of different hunting dog supplies that you should have on hand for your dog such as shock collars or dog collars.

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