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Very Popular Blueberry Wine Making Information

19 February 2009 2,697 views No Comment

Blueberry wine making is extremely popular in the United States and some informal surveys have it ranked second in popularity only to blackberry in preference. Using blueberries in blueberry wine making has a lot of advantages both for taste and nutrition. Blueberries are rich in vitamins A and C along with other essential nutrients. They have lesser content of elements such as citric acid. Their sugar content is not too powerful and they can be squeezed for juice to be made into wine or dried. In some cases it is best to use blueberries that have survived a frost as this helps to create an easier taste.

There is a rumor within making wine that blueberry wine making is next to impossible because blueberries do not ferment. There is a chemical in blueberries called sorbic acid that many claim cannot bond with yeast to ferment correctly. While this rumor is prevalent in blueberry wine making it is not at all true, and blueberries absolutely have the ability to mix with yeast and ferment the juice into a wine. The process does take longer than some other berries to ferment but in the end the wine that is made is considered one of the best varieties of wine available.

Finding The Right Berry

Blueberries used for blueberry wine making traditionally come in four different kinds. There is the dwarf, the lowbush, the highbush, and the swamp variety of blueberry for blueberry Citrus Wine making. For the best tasting blueberry wine making you should probably find a variety of lowbush blueberry commonly referred to as vaccinium angustifolium. This variety of blueberry is the most common found in your local store or sold at your farmer’s market so in order to get the most out of your blueberry wine making you may want to consider purchasing your blueberries from a market. Using wild blueberries in blueberry wine making may yield results that you had not intended and you probably will not like.

Blueberry wine making is not a slow process at all. After creating the desired mixture you need to stir it continually for up to 6 days. After you are done stirring it for nearly a week it then needs to ferment for up to three months before you can start the aging process. The aging process can take up to a year. So if you start your blueberry Fruit Wines making now you just may be able to sample your first product in fifteen months or so. Take your time, because if you do it wrong it will be fifteen months before you can try a new batch.

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