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US FDA Seizes 23,300 Bottles Of Dietary Supplements

13 May 2009 982 views No Comment

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has seized over 23,300 bottles of dietary supplement products, worth about $1.3 million, owing to a safety risk.

The federal agency stated that the all supplements would be destructed as they have unapproved food preservatives and-or new dietary components for which there is insufficient data to guarantee they do not present a significant or unreasonable threat of infection or injury.

The products, distributed by LG Sciences LLC of Brighton, Mich. — were commercialized for making use of by musclebuilders, and sold online and in retail stores under different names “Methyl 1-D,” “Methyl 1-D XL” and “Formadrol Extreme XL.”

“The FDA has no scientific information concerning the safety of the condemned products or their ingredients and, thus, cannot determine whether they represent a hazard to consumers,” the agency said. “Under the circumstances, consumers who use or have used the products should discuss their use with their health care professionals.”

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