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To start the two-year campaign in China food safety

13 May 2009 1,122 views No Comment

Su Zhi, the deputy director of the Bureau of Food Safety Coordination and Health Supervision of China’s Ministry of Health, has disclosed to local media that China will initiate a two-year campaign on food safety and food additives.

Su said that the food safety situation in China is not optimistic. It is unbalanced and there are many weak points that have not been covered by the government’s campaign.

Su stated that much work needs to be done to solve these problems. First, local governments at various levels shall be asked to be responsible for the food safety in their own region; second, regulations and standards shall be formulated on food additives; and third, food manufacturers shall be asked to carry out food safety and enhance their awareness of laws. Fourth, risk assessment shall be conducted on new materials and technologies before they are launched. And finally, the government’s capacity to crack down on food related illegal behavior should be improved.

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