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The right food choices: the secret, and long-term health

8 August 2009 1,697 views No Comment

You have probably heard the saying ‘you are what you eat’. This is especially true with regard to living a healthy lifestyle. It isn’t actually as difficult to live a healthy way of life as you might think. Here are some tips to help you to choose the right types of food for keeping yourself fit and healthy.

Green is Good

At the top of your shopping list should be fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. A large number of the nutrients and vitamins that a person needs for keeping their body healthy are contained in these foods. These days there is a great variety of fruit and vegetables on the market, and even if you don’t really like them much there should be some which you can find to appeal to you. Have a go at preparing them in different ways and in a variety of dishes, hot or cold, and find out what you like most. You need 5 to 7 servings or more each day in your diet and this will really make a difference in the way you feel and look.

Eat Organic

We weren’t designed to live on lots of processed foods. One of the major reasons, according to scientists, for the high incidence of chronic health problems as well as life threatening illnesses in our society these days is that we are eating too many processed foods, foods with chemical additives, and unhealthy foods in general. When you go grocery shopping you should try to buy some organic foods, because they are free from preservatives, pesticides and other harmful chemicals. If you are lucky enough to have an organic market in your neighborhood, select some chemical free products when you can, so that harmful chemicals are not so prevalent in your life.

Raw Foods

Uncooked foods are often much better for you than cooked ones. This is especially so of fruits and vegetables. So buy some organic foods, wash them and cut them up, and then serve them just like that. Raw foods have the benefit that they still have digestion assisting enzymes in them, as well as more beneficial vitamins and minerals. Cooking of fruit or vegetables strips them of much of their nutritional value and their beneficial enzymes. Sometimes the cooked foods have lost so much of their nutritional value that you may as well serve up cardboard.

Buy from your Farmers Market

A great source of organic and natural foods is your local farmers market. The vendors here usually live locally and grow their produce locally, which means you are supporting your local economy by buying there, rather than that of a large chain. You could also save money this way; in addition these markets can be fun to visit and in the process you can learn about healthy ways of life.
Dana Sherman is a certified nutritionist, with extensive experience in the area of dieting and weight loss. Dana’s approach places a large emphasis on changes in lifestyle to better your eating habits and your overall approach to food.

Article Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/the-right-food-choices-the-secret-to-great-longterm-health-1107649.html

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