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The Health Benefits Of Organic Food

15 February 2009 1,358 views No Comment

The society of today is one that struggles to find its balance when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. We are bombarded on a daily basis with the newest and best products on the market all designed to help us achieve maximum health. But for many who have traveled this road many a time, the answer is simple; a healthy lifestyle begins and ends with a nutritious diet rich in whole foods. But while we may know the types of food we should be eating – fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains – we are now faced with another choice – that of organic food.

Ask any organic food enthusiast and they will happily tell you the health benefits of organic food. And when faced with the information it’s difficult to ignore the substantial differences between organic food and that food that is grown or produced in a traditional environment.

Organic food is grown and raised by a group of committed organic farmers working within strictly enforced government guidelines. Produce that is grown organically is done so without the use of pesticides or chemical additives. Chemicals and pesticides are, however, used on traditional farms. And while not much thought is given to additives when we encounter fruits and vegetables in the grocery store, the truth is that insufficient research has been done regarding the long term effects of these chemicals on the human body.

The same holds true for agricultural and dairy farming practices. While agricultural and dairy farmers traditionally feed their livestock supplements and hormones to speed their growth and milk production, organic farmers do just the opposite. Animals are given only organic feed and are not subjected to chemicals or hormones of any kind.

Organic food has benefits that extend to the environment as well. Organic farming means that the ground is not subjected to chemical or pesticide run-off. Organic farmers are strongly committed to the environment and their product is only considered certified organic food if they adhere to strict government regulations.

Organic food can mean significant benefits for your health and that of those you love. Additionally, it shows a dedication to the environment and the future of the planet.

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