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The European Union will amend the food additive in the list of vitamins and minerals

22 July 2009 1,132 views No Comment

July 15, 2009, the European Commission to the WTO / TBT notification (notification No.: G/TBT/N/EEC/284), will amend the food additive in the list of vitamins and minerals on the laws and regulations, including the laws and regulations in June 2002 10 adopted by the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonization of Member States relating to food supplements the legal directive (2002/46/EC) and December 20, 2006, adopted by the European Parliament and of the Council on vitamins and minerals and certain other substances added to food laws and regulations (EC 1925/2006). Is expected that the regulations will be in mid-December 2009 approved January 1, 2010 come into operation

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