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The EU amended laws and regulations related to four categories of organic food additive

28 August 2009 1,754 views No Comment

Recently, the European Union “EU organic agriculture regulations” 91/2092/EC organic food additive regulations in parts of the important amendments, which are mainly related to pigment, feed additives, yeast and enzymes these four categories.

         The European Union regulations for organic food additive amendments to the main contents are: First, from 2014 onwards according to the traditional process using chemical synthesis of iron oxide and iron hydroxide to the practice of coloring eggs will be prohibited; two yeast and yeast to produce a clear the process allows the use of processing aids include calcium chloride, carbon dioxide, citric acid, lactic acid, chlorine, oxygen, potato starch, sodium carbonate, and nine kinds of vegetable oil; three enzymes used as additives, must be included in the EU889 from -2008 Schedule Ⅷ in the A part of the material. 

        It is understood that the revised EU’s new regulations in Zhejiang Province of food products exports to the EU a significant impact on market share. The EU is an important market for food exports, Zhejiang, while the pigment, yeast, enzymes and additives used in our common vegetables, eggs, seafood and other food production. If the export of food additives involved in these indicators do not comply with the relevant provisions of customs clearance is bound to encounter difficulties.

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