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Take the food processing additives

28 April 2009 2,306 views No Comment

I am writing because I am concerned about the health of people in our country. We have an epidemic of diabetes, cancer and heart disease and numerous autoimmune disorders that were virtually unheard of less than a century ago.
I do not believe that the Lord ever intended for us to get these diseases. If we simply eat the foods that God created without all the unnatural processing techniques (which include using hydrogen gas and bleach) our bodies would not be rebelling and reacting the way they are.

I understand why our foods are processed the way they are: so that the various packaged foods will not get moldy on the store shelves and then have to be disposed of. If a food is not processed to the point of making it a non-food, small organisms will, in time, penetrate the packaging and eat the food, making it moldy, because it is a food good to eat.

In order for manufacturers to avoid allowing small organisms to eat the food, they have gone to extreme measures (such as hydrogenation of the fats) to change the food into something that is no longer nutritious, but indeed toxic.

When those hydrogenated oils enter our bodies, over time, the bad, inflexible oils get into every cell membrane in our bodies, resulting in an impervious wall which prevents both sugar and insulin from getting into the cells, and thus prevents normal cell metabolism from occurring. When cells cannot perform the normal metabolism they were created to do, they react by using extreme survival measures by dividing and dividing, over and over and over again, thus producing a cancerous tumor in the body.

I believe our country must make this processing illegal in order to protect our people and especially to counteract the rampant obesity in our children and others.

A law now exists that states that packaged foods may contain up to five-tenths of a gram of trans fats per serving and manufacturers may still say that there are zero grams of trans fat per serving in the packaged food item. This is a deception.

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