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Specialized food ingredients to focus @ the Fifth Summit of nutrition in New Delhi

17 July 2009 1,263 views No Comment

The fifth edition of Nutraceutical Summit 2009, one of the leading events to represent country’s Nutraceutical industry will be held on October 28-30, 2009, at The Lalit in New Delhi. The summit is organised by the premier scientific bodies of India, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) and Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), jointly with MM Activ Sci-tech Communication Co and in association with leading associations like Pharmexcil, Health Foods and Dietary Supplements Association (Hadsa), the Indian Drug Manufacturers’ Association (IDMA), Ayurvedic Drug Manufacturers’ Association (ADMA), Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI) and the Indian Dietetic Association (IDA).

The organisers said that the Nutraceutical Summit had been recognised as the most authoritative forum of India on nutraceuticals, functional & health foods and dietary supplements. This year, the Nutraceutical Summit would encompass international conference, “NuFFooDS” – dedicated ingredients & products expo, Doctors’ & Nutritionists forum, interactive poster session, CEO summit & networking dinner, Nutra Awards Nite, Morning Mantras and Power Session on Regulatory Mechanism.

According to the organisers, ever-increasing competition in the Indian processed food market, demand for more and more qualitative products, rising income and health awareness has led to boost the Indian health and special food ingredients markets.

The organisers said even though the Indian nutraceutical and ingredients market was in a nascent stage, it was growing at a faster pace. Seeing the growth in world market and potential for India, many multinational and Indian pharmaceutical firms are entering in this arena. Also, these companies are introducing nutraceuticals as supplements to their main products in the therapeutic segments. FMCG firms are also venturing into this segment.

International Conference:
The 5th edition of Nutraceutical Summit International conference will address various topics like functional foods, herbs, botanicals and agri-ingredients, food ingredients to add value to nutraceuticals, health snacks and confectionaries, dietary supplements, organic foods, traditional knowledge and nutraceuticals, nutraceuticals & lifestyle management, Indian consumer apprehensions and concerns towards nutraceuticals, CGMP – understanding and managing international regulatory requirements, sports supplements and
health beverages, avenues of business – focus on Ayurceuticals, Cosmacetuticals, Sportaceuticals, dairy processing, marine food supplements, strategies for companies to enter dietary supplements market, transforming SME’s to GNCS (global nutraceutical companies) and others.

The organisers also claim that the conference will offer opportunity to gain perspective through keynote addresses on the state of the industry as well as emerging trends and profit from networking by sharing information.

NuFFooDS Expo
Concurrent to the 5th Nutraceutical Summit, the organisers have also organised “NuFFooDS Expo,” a dedicated B2B platform to encourage business meetings, tie-ups, public-private partnership and buyer & seller meets. Further, B2C will bring the makers of health and food products face to face with the influential groups like dieticians, nutritionists and doctors as well as large health conscious and upwardly mobile consumers of the country.

Doctors and Nutritionists forum
The forum will deliberate on the new products in the Nutraceuticals and Health food sector for the prevention, cure and aftercare in various lifestyle diseases like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis and dermatology. The event will be conducted with the support of Indian Dietetic Association.

Interactive Poster Session (IPS):
The three-day international summit will provide a unique opportunity for young researchers to share their innovative ideas and research through Interactive Poster Session (IPS). The theme for this session is “Walkway of Discovery.”

“Be it from any segment of Nutraceutical- Functional food and drink, dietary supplement, cosmeceuticals, sportaceuticals, oleoceuticals, food technology or any other segment, the only condition is that the topics should be related to research or growth effort and be commercially feasible,” said the organisers.

Networking Activity
Nutra Awards
According to www.nutrceuticalsummit.in, an official website of the organisers, the Nutra Awards Nite will recognise the contribution of eminent scientists, nutritionists, food technologists and industries for their outstanding achievements. Awards for the best stalls will also be presented to the exhibitors for innovative stall designs and creative display of products and services. The best entries in poster session will also be awarded. The Awards Nite will conclude with a gala celebration, entertainment and dinner.

CEO Summit
The CEO summit is a special industry networking dinner for delegates and invitees, representing the who’s who of the nutraceutical, ingredients, pharma and food industry.

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