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Simple Anti-Cellulite Diet To Help Reduce Cellulite Fast

18 February 2009 1,367 views No Comment

If you’re trying to get rid of the appearance of cellulite, then you need to find out which foods should be eating, and which foods you should neglect. In this article, we’ll give you a simple diet plan you can follow to help you reduce the appearance of cellulite in no time.

What foods to stay away from

Alcoholic Beverages – Alcohol is definitely something that one should stay away from because not only is it toxic, but it can do other damage to your body and internal health as well. Damaging the liver is something that alcohol is well known as well as damaging numerous natural body chemicals that get rid of toxins on it’s own. Your liver is an important part of your body’s natural way of removing such toxins that are harmful to the body, and the very last thing you’d want is to lose its effectiveness in working correctly. Besides the liver problems that alcohol can cause, it can also help add excess weight and increase the amount of cellulite on your body!

Refined Foods & Common Food Additives – Eating a lot of junk food is something that is also very important if you’re serious about losing cellulite. You need to avoid all kinds of foods that contain sugars and artificial flavoring. Try to eliminate most foods in your cellulite diet that don’t contain only natural ingredients. Make sure that you are paying attention to the product labels when purchasing foods from the store so you know what you’re putting in your body.

Caffeine – Stay away from caffeine, such as coffee, sodas (including diet sodas), which are very unhealthy for the body and would cause excessive weight gain. However, many of the common cellulite creams do contain caffeine, which is fine since it’s being absorbed through your skin rather than your digestive system.

Helpful Food and Substances for Cellulite Removal

Low fat Meats – Foods such as steaks, lean fnish, and poultry are good sources of food when trying to follow an anti-cellulite diet. If you see any visible fat on the meats, try and cut it off unless its fish. The fat and oils contained in fish are actually good for you.

Produce – Every cellulite or weight loss diet should contain many fruits and vegetables. Make sure your daily diet contains a good portion of fruits and vegetables because the fiber and antioxidants in these foods are essential for the health of the skin.

Water – You can never drink enough water on any diet. By drinking water, it will cleanse your body over time and completely hydrate your skin which will help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Drinking water also helps flush the harmful toxins and pollutants in your body which can help aid in weight loss.

Fat Free Dairy Products – Dairy products such as cottage cheese and yogurt are also very healthy for you since they are filled with essential amino acids that are important for your health and promote weight loss as well.

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