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Secretary for the opening of the grain quality of raw materials in Canada

18 August 2009 1,453 views No Comment

CAROL STREAM, Ill.— Premium Ingredients International is expanding its presence in Canada, establishing PII Food Ingredients as a division of Bulk Pharmaceuticals Corp., Scarborough, Ontario. Bulk Pharmaceuticals has been in business for more than 15 years serving the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and veterinary industries, and was acquired by Premium Ingredients in May 2008.

PII Food Ingredients will concentrate on offering a targeted portfolio of core ingredients, including vitamins, acidulants, preservatives and flavors, to the food industry in Canada. Don Thorp, president of Premium Ingredients, said, “The establishment of PII Food Ingredients will allow us to meet our customer’s demands in the growing and ever changing food, beverage and nutritional markets. Product will be stocked and shipped out of the same Toronto distribution facility as Bulk, allowing us to better service our customers and keep freight costs to a minimum.”

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