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Over one third of imported wines are unqualified in Guangdong

5 March 2009 1,295 views No Comment

Recently, through the sampling inspection for 62 batches of alcoholic beverage, Guangdong related departments found that nearly one third of foreign wines were unqualified. The unqualified wines existed overdose utilization of preservative and sweetening agent.

Similarly, in 2007, Jianxing and Wenzhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau seized batches of unqualified wines and requested transporting the unqualified wines back to the regional places. 7308 bottles of them were French wines. And last year, Zhuhai Inspection and Quarantine Bureau captured a batch of unqualified imported dry red wine which existed overdose of lead.

The inspector said that most of inferior unqualified wines existed overdose utilization of preservative and sweetening agent. The main preservatives of wines are sorbic acid or potassium sorbate. If people drink wines which exists overdose of these, it will result in injury to their livers and kidneys. The overdose of sweetening agent may result in injury to the liver and nervous system.

Why did so many foreign wines have trouble for the quality recently? The experts analyzed that because of the financial crisis, grape juice of Eur-American wine market had an excessive supply. The quality of the grape juice was very bad. Some merchants bought them in low prices and sold them to China.

It’s reported that many foreign wines had no “CIQ” logos in market. It meant that these foreign wines had not passed the quality system authentication. It’s warning that Chinese consumers had better buy foreign wines with “CIQ” logos in supermarket.

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