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Organic Food Has Changed The Way We Eat

4 March 2009 1,212 views No Comment

natural and organic food
Organic food has been around for many generations. The term organic, however, did not come about until the mid 1960’s. Organic food is basically when no additives, preservatives, or pesticides are used in the food during growth or production. The older generations grew organic food when they had large gardens that fed the big families. In today’s society, however, growing a garden has become almost extinct. Organic food has seen a revolution that has put fresh food back on the plates of people.

Fresh organic food is now available in almost every grocery store in the world. The convenience of selecting natural and organic food over processed food has become almost second nature. No longer does a person have to travel a long distance to find a local organic food supplier. With the Whole Foods Market grocery chain, the United States and Canada have access to over 196 stores that offer gourmet deli’s, organic vitamins, and even organic household cleaners. And with the introduction of the internet, individuals around the world can order fresh organic food twenty four hours a day.

Another positive that organic food has brought is the revenue that has been generated in the grocery market. The speciality of organics brings in close to $29 billion in the United States alone. That is just a fraction of what the grocery market brings in yearly, however, it is still a significant number to be contended with. If people continue to be more health conscious, the organic food market is sure to keep booming and bringing in more cash than ever.

The health benefits that organic food offers people far outweigh any negativity that may be surrounding this speciality food category. With more and more individuals becoming health conscious these days, organic food offers great benefits that processed foods cannot give. Since most organic foods use no pesticides, people are less likely to put these toxins in their bodies and this in itself is a major health benefit for all ages.

Organic food has brought back the garden vegetables that have been lacking for so long in many people’s diets. The ancestors of the past planted gardens, but in today’s world, that is not always an option. Farmers markets and local organic food chains have made having this wonderful food available and ready for purchase year round. Going green with food has never been easier or tasted better than today with organic food.

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