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Organic Baby Food Company Choices – Options In Your Supermarket

2 March 2009 3,301 views No Comment

Eschewing pesticides, food additives and other toxic substances in your diet in favor of organic food is a major lifestyle choice – at least it was a few years ago. These days, a plethora of organic food options exist, even for babies and you will find that your organic baby food company choices are more than you imagined.

Easy To Find

The biggest baby food manufacturer of them all, Gerber, has had an organic line for several years now but has recently revamped their image to create a tighter focus on this aspect. Once known as Tender Harvest, Gerber Organics offers over 25 different flavor options in three different

stages, depending on the eating level of baby. This organic baby food company offers cereal, juice and jarred baby food products but no fresh or frozen options as of yet but these products are widely available through most mass discount merchandisers and retail grocery stores. Earth’s Best is another organic baby food company that produces jarred food that is readily available in most grocery stores throughout the country.

Look to Health Food Stores

National chain health and whole foods stores also often carry different lines of organic baby food in jarred, fresh and frozen forms. Plum Organics is one organic baby food company found nation-wide in stores like Whole Foods or Central Markets and this company primarily deals with frozen organic baby foods. Their food lines are delineated by the baby’s age with smoother foods targeted for babies and complex flavors for older babies. Frozen organic baby food is almost as fresh as if you just picked the food yourself off the tree or plant so it is packed full of nutrients.

Depending on where you live, there might be an organic baby food company or two based in your region that only services that area. Local health or whole foods stores will likely carry organic baby food lines from them but don’t discount independently owned grocers in the area as well. Because demand for organics is increasing, you will find that local organic baby food company expanding and servicing more areas.

Of course, if you live in the country or in an area where organic baby food is not readily available, you can look to a number of organic baby food company websites online that deliver right to your door. Organic baby food online is growing and the target population ordering are young professionals with babies who believe in the health benefits of going organic and are too busy to hunt the products they need in their local food stores.

Every organic baby food company must adhere to stringent procedures as ruled by the FDA so you can feel confident about the food for your baby, regardless of the name on the packaging. As long as it says “100% organic,” your baby will have the healthiest diet around.

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