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Mobile giant exhibition to the United States TAAP

10 June 2009 1,342 views No Comment

BOREHAMWOOD, England – Freeman, one of the largest exhibition contractors/organisers in the U.S., has been using TAAP’s mobile exhibition management software, ExMan, to great effect at their EBACE2009 show in Geneva Switzerland, May 12-14.


Freeman, which has a turnover of $1.2b and which services 4700 exhibitions and shows in North America, used TAAP’s E-SPOC ‘Mobile Issue Tracking’ technology to deliver superlative 360 degrees customer service benefits, in the demanding exhibition and events management space.

Freeman staff and EBACE show management were able to manage issues raised by exhibitors regarding the equipment and fittings they had ordered for their stands. They found the devices and application easy to use, were pleased that it enabled them to deliver increased customer service, and contractors were immediately informed of any issues which required attention.

Amanda Dumont (National Account Manager) at Freeman said “The PDA technology and TAAP’s software were great. Having all the general show information and the exhibitor orders for Freeman services accessible on one small handheld device, helped Freeman provide even greater customer service to its exhibitors. We would certainly use them again at other events.”

Freeman run over 50% of the Golden 200 top shows and many of these clients are global. TAAP has licensed its technology to Freeman for the North American market.

TAAP originally launched ExMan in the UK with REED, the largest Exhibition organiser in the world. It was then adopted by REED North America, and subsequently by Freeman.

Deployed in the Events and Exhibition industry, it started as a platform for real time issue management and tracking, used across a range of industry sectors. A client in the FMCG industry plans to use it to manage vending machine issues, and another client as a mobile IT Help Desk System. It is delivered as SaaS (Software as a Service) for a low subscription cost.

TAAP will launch ExMan Version 3 later this year. This platform allows exhibitors to self-fulfil their own prospect data capture from shows in real time, provides instant email fulfilment, and gateways for exhibitor freight tracking and other integrated data feeds.

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