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Japan to develop standards for food additives

17 March 2009 1,658 views No Comment

Japan develops standards of food additives. The standards approve Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, isovaleraldehyde as food additives, and develop standard specifications of these substances.

Sodium stearoyl lactate is an organic compound used as a food additive.

It is made by combining lactic acid and stearic acid, and then reacting the result with sodium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide to make the sodium or calcium salt. It is used as an emulsifier in processed foods.

Isovaleraldehyde is a liquid with an apple-like odor and naturally occurs in the oils of orange, lemon, eucalyptus, and peppermint. It has low toxicity but causes respiratory and eye irritation, as well as dermatitis, somnolence, and liver impairment.

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