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Is Raw Food Healthy?

28 April 2009 2,019 views No Comment

Diets come and go like most fads, but juice and raw food diets are something that have been around for years that will never go out of style. Blenders and juicers can help make delicious drinks that are healthy as well as tasty. Another thing some people like to do is to puree vegetables and sneak them into recipes. Amazingly, most of the time you can’t even taste them once they are baked in or cooked into other foods. Health and nutrition are two of the most important things to consider whether you want to supplement your current diet or are seeking a diet to follow.

Dieting has gotten a bad rap because people typically define it only as a way to lose weight. However, the actual definition means “the selection of foods and drinks which someone ingests”. Any diet should be effective at making people strong and be satisfying as well as help people stay in shape. Self-education is the key when researching available methods of food preparation. Becoming aware of how to choose healthy foods is also very important. Raw food diets include unprocessed and uncooked foods, which are sometimes organic.

Organic food is grown without pesticides. It’s also grown without artificial fertilizers. Livestock don’t receive any antibiotics or growth hormones so their meat and milk are totally pure. Organic food doesn’t contain food additives and is free from any contaminants of human or industrial waste. However, organic foods can be processed, but usually there is hardly any processing involved. Additives aren’t added to them at all and they aren’t ever processed with ionizing radiation. By developing eating plans, people can individually determine what is best for them.

These plans can be created by nutritionists, dietitians or even made up by you. These diets help people feel less tired or lazy because they are based on body shape and size as well as genetic disposition. Changing your diet to include juice and raw foods can leave you feeling more energized too. Some people associate raw food and organics with a vegan diet. You don’t have to become a vegetarian to be able to reap the benefits of a simplified meal plan that includes juice and more raw foods.

By changing these few things at first and having a more active lifestyle, you can be strong and healthy if like many people you haven’t been feeling or looking how you really need or want to. The choice is yours, but when I see photos of bellies on the internet, I am encouraged to stick to a routine that includes more raw foods, juice and organic food because it will keep me healthy as well as lean. I suggest you go for it too!

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