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Is a good food to help make you fat?

21 April 2009 1,095 views No Comment

The study highlighted in Part One and Part Two of this series indicates that there may be a very strong correlation between obesity (along with many other chronic health issues) and food hyper sensitivity. What this demonstrates is that medical dogma may have been moving up the wrong path for many years when it comes to the issue of overweight and obesity.

If further study does indeed conclude that there is a connection between white blood cell reactivity to food and other environmental, low grade allergens, this use of the Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Antibody Test (ALCAT) may yet prove to be one of the most powerful tools in the medical arsenal when it comes to understanding the human body.

In addition to food allergens already outlined in this series, the ALCAT test has been used to test reactivity to other things that make their way into our bodies. This includes common food additives such as monosodium glutamate, potassium nitrate, sodium sulfite, and aspartame as well as saccharine. Common food dyes have also been tested.

Also tested have been common antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents, as well as pharmacoactive agents such as caffeic acid, nicotine and tryptophan. Environmental chemicals such as ammonium chloride, fluoride, and chlorine have also been tested for cellular reactivity. And lastly, common molds, such as penicillium, have also been tested.

The promise this study holds is that a new weapon may have been found to vastly improve the overall health of the citizens of the U.S. and the rest of the world. Even more importantly, the ramifications of expanding the scope of the materials tested may change the way we conduct medicine. As surely as the development of antibiotics and vaccines against small pox and polio changed the world, the idea that we can know which foods are good for us each as individuals can also change the world. It is quite possible that our metabolisms and cellular reactivity are as unique as our fingerprints. Imagine what we can do with that knowledge.

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