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In the makeup industry is changing

30 April 2009 1,817 views No Comment

Physicians Formula:
I discovered that Physicians Formula is breaking the FDA rules by selling lip plumpers that contain ferric ferrocyanide which is only approved for eye makeup and not for lips!!! DONT’T BUY!!! The lady in Walgreens could hardly believe her eyes when I showed her the ingredients. Luckily she had good eyes, since the ingredients were written in tiny letters!
However, even Physicians Formula is trying to adapt to the green wave that is happening. They have also introduced a new skincare line called “Organic wear,” that offers a tinted moisturizer $14.50/1.5oz and blush, bronzer and powder, pressed and loose @$13.00-15.00 each. The products still contain talc, unfortunately, which is an asbestos like compound that should no longer be used in makeup! However, I can see that they are trying to move towards healthier makeup, which is good, but I’m still not impressed when I find lip glosses that contain cyanide! Booh!

Their lipglosses still contain parabens and pretroleum products, but now they also contain aloe, jojoba, beeswax, evening primrose oil, safflower oil, rose oil and tangerine oil, which is a nice choice of natural ingredients. The price is still reasonable @ $7.29. I also noticed that most of the things they sell contain SPF, which is good, even though it isn’t a very high protection factor.

And here comes the real news! Almay and Loreal are REALLY taking steps in the right direction:

This company has a completely new line of products out. It is a natural product line where they use a minimal amount of chemicals, and they even state how many percent natural ingredients it contains. For example the lipgloss, called nourishing luminous lipgloss. It has 95.8% natural ingredients. It contains almond oil, beeswax, jojoba, acai fruit extract, lotus flower extract, papaya, wild pansy, orange oil, and it is preserved with sorbic acid and no parabens. It still contains FD&C dyes and carmine, but I’m happy to see that the main ingredients are completely natural, healthy and good for you. They also offer a 97.4% natural foundation that is paraben free and talc free @ $13.99/oz in eco friendly packaging. They have 2 colors of blush @ $11.49, a translucent finishing powder and 10 colors of eye shadows in earth tones. Very nice!!!

Loreal also has a new line of products called “Bare Naturale.” The Bare Naturale lipgloss stated that it contained vitamins, minerals and conditioning care, but I couldn’t find any ingredients on the lip products. Price $9.99. Perhaps the tube was too tiny.
They offered a concealer made with carnauba wax @ $11.99 and also a powder foundation @ $14.99/0.35oz (10g). There is SPF in everything, which is good. Their Bare Naturale mascara is paraben free and contains beeswax, carnauba, gum., stearic acid, jojoba, phenoxy ethanol, panthenol, aloe and vitamin E, and I was actually impressed enough to buy it. I also bought Loreal Double Extend Waterproof Lash Fortifier which used to rate 4 (moderate hazard) at the cosmetic database, but the new formula, which only contains half of the chemicals it used to have, is now rating 2, which is in basically green! After wearing it for 5 hours in a hot water outdoor swimming pool today, I can say that it is so far the best waterproof mascara I have ever tried. There wasn’t a single flake on my cheeks, nor even a shadow of a smudge! OK Loreal, now I’m impressed, and I want to see more of this!

And, then we have the great pretenders:

Revlon sports a lot of fancy looking tubes. They also have a line called “Beyond Natural,” whatever that is supposed to mean, and the labels and display colors are in natural earth tones. However, I couldn’t find a single ingredient listed on any of their new products, and their so called mineral eye shadow still contains parabens. So, Revlon is obviously trying to cash in on the “natural movement” by pretending to create natural products and not actually using any natural ingredients at all. Very tricky! Thumbs down to Revlon!

I couldn’t find any green products from Maybelline. Maybelline, everyone is going green! What about you?

Tomorrow, I’ll talk about Walgreens anti-aging best sellers.

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