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In order to avoid food additives

30 May 2009 1,817 views No Comment

There has been a great deal of controversy on food additives. There are thousands of man-made chemicals which are added into food. The controversy complains that the food additives are not healthy for humans or animals. Many people are unsure which is healthy for you and which are not. With companies adding these chemicals, it is best to understand which to avoid. The additives that are most likely to cause you unhealthy eating are:

1. Caffeine- This is the most added additive to soda and other foods. This has been told by doctors that too much of caffeine is not healthy for you. Caffeine is packed with sugars and calories. This will make you get that sick stomach at night if you are not careful.

2. Artificial Colorings- Yes, turning your ham green for your child’s Dr. Seuss birthday party sounds fun and all, but it is not healthy. For years this had been said to contain toxins and many were banned. Look for natural ingredients to put that tint of green.

3. Sulfites- These are what keep cut fruits and vegetables looking fresh. For a while, they have been safe. Until now, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration linked several deaths to sulfites. This is best to stay clear of the different sulfites which cover fresh cut fruits and vegetables. It is best to cut the fruit yourself.

4. Potassium Bromate- This is used to increase the volume of bread and make the bread have very fine crumbs. Bromate alone causes cancer to animals. This is why a label has to be placed on the bread that uses Potassium Bromate in California.

Be aware what goes into your body. Always look closely to the items added into your favorite food. It may not be deadly for you, but it will make for unhappy times if your body is not used to the addition. Take care of your body. It is the only one you get.

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