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How to Use Potassium Sorbate Yeast Infection Remedy as a Yeast Infection Cure

5 March 2009 1,781 views No Comment

If you like to brew your own beer then chances are that you will have some potassium sorbate lying around the house. And if you don’t, you can always find some quite easily in places that sell home brewing products. Of course you can also find it in natural food stores, but it is definitely more colorful to be able to tell someone to get there potassium sorbate from a home brewing supply store!

Anyway the whole reason that you want potassium sorbate yeast infection remedy in the first place is because it stops the growth of yeast in their tracks, so to speak. It’s known as a highly effective fungicide, and is used in the process of brewing beer to stop the yeast from growing when it’s no longer needed for the fermentation process.

On an added note, if you look on the labels of some preserved foods, you might find that potassium sorbate is listed as one of the preservatives. This is naturally enough to suppress the growth of fungus or other harmful bacteria in the food.

The way to take potassium sorbate yeast infection remedy as a cure for yeast infections is very simple really.

Those over age fifty may also want to speak to their physician and consider being vaccinated for shingles. Use: 1 tbsp Potassium Sorbate, 1 cup Water, 1 Tampon Syringe. Dissolve the potassium sorbate in the water.

As we age,a weakened immune system may cause shingles, a painful rash that causes extreme sensitivity and pain (called PHN) that lasts even after the rash is gone. Insert the tampon into the vagina and then, using the syringe, douse the tampon with the potassium sorbate solution.

You can keep the tampon in overnight if you wish to, and the remedy can be repeated over several nights. However don’t go on for more than a week with potassium sorbate yeast infection remedy.

If you have ever cared for anyone with shingles you know the feelings of frustration and helplessness. If by that time your yeast infection hasn’t cleared up you might try another cure altogether or barring that, want to check with a doctor.

Remember that potassium sorbate yeast infection remedy is not a substitute for proper medical advice, and since I’m not a doctor¸ you should always check with your doctor before trying any of these out.

Over Fifty? Fall Is Time For Routine Vaccines

Author: Pamela Dombrowski-Wilson

Fall is here and winter is just around the corner.

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