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How to Lighten Them Safely and Naturally

2 March 2009 1,873 views No Comment

Yes, Removing age spots is sometimes annoying that many of us a better look, in spite of our age. Some of us already have experience with May more or less on formulas and concoction. Hell salary fringe benefits are no signs of aging, we commit ourselves to an expensive way for a possible abolition of the age spots, wrinkles, dry skin and many other conditions.

What is this place?

Age spots, sometimes also called liver spots sunspots, the colors and spots on the skin, which are closely associated with age and sun. The color of the skin on the damaged parts will be May pale brown to red or black. You can see them in most areas of the skin, usually in the sun. Examples are your hands, face, shoulders and arms, among others. Age spots appear when the age of 40 years. And that is when they begin to use space age pickup of goods.

The truth about the abduction of space age

You see, and you will see a lot of creams, skin care, aiming at the stains of age. Certainly, they have a direct impact. They are effective in improving the color of skin, removal of brown or black spots in the process. Most of these are skin care creams and lotions actually laundering solutions. They are known to the harmful chemicals, such as in clinical studies have demonstrated the self-employed. Even if they temporarily May improve skin color, they are known to cause other diseases of the skin, such as dry skin. Because there are only forms of palliative treatment, without addressing the root causes of age spots. This explains why people have started on natural ingredients that are actually in the removal of age spots.

What are important factors in search?

Age Square parade to be completed, with more care and safety. Search for skin care products, the main substances that since a long time, certainly by age space. The experts recommend that these components, ie the traditional knowledge Cynergy, nano Lipobelle coenzyme Q10 and Phytessence Wakame.

Cynergy traditional knowledge is a substance specific ingestion of sheep wool in New Zealand. It contains functional keratin is important for the preservation of the skin elasticity and firmness. Keratin is of course of our body. However, various unhealthy lifestyle, nutrition and the aging of the results of the decline in the production of keratin in the body.

Nano-H Lipobelle Coenzym EQ10 is a natural substance that is as a kind of vitamin. It protects the skin from harmful effects of exposure to direct sunlight. It is also an antioxidant. Its size is so small molecular, where the prefix “nano”, which is an invasion into the deepest layers of the skin.

Over the centuries, the Japanese are known for a distinctly different types of seaweed as food additives and herbal supplement. This is in the vernacular known as Wakame Phytessence. It is generally by the body to regenerate the content of collagen. Collagen strengthens the material found Phytessence Wakame is for older people to remove age spots. It is also rich in various nutrients to the skin well balanced.

So the next time you are in a business and the various skin care products used in the removal of age spots, if any of them contain these substances.

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