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How to clean up, if you have a response to the physical oil

30 March 2009 1,026 views No Comment

So you use an essential oils and you get a rash or little bumps all over your fingers and hands. We know that this is not an allergic condition caused by the oils but the oils are defintely causing the skin to react in uncomfortable ways. So what is happening? Is this an “allergy” to the oil?

First of all we know that we are living in a very toxic world where we are developing allergies and sensitivities to the pollutants in our water, air and food chain. We are walking time bombs of toxic waste from industrial wastes, herbicides, pesticides, food additives, and heavy metals that we get not only from our food and water but also from our cosmetics and lotions and potions we put on our bodies. Even the mercury fillings in our teeth leach heavy metals into our systems.

We eat far too much sugar and animal products which tend to make us acid and ferment in our guts and stay there longer than they should. This becomes trapped in the intestine’s many convoluted curves and putrefy–thus releasing heavy metals and other toxic myotoxins. Then we use an essential ol on our toxic bodies and not surprising, we get a reaction.

What’s the solution to this mess? Cleansing. When an essential oil produces a skin reaction, my response as a clinical aromatherapist is to tell the person to stop using the essential oils and go through a cleansing which could take months or years. If they are faithful to the process–then yes, they will be able to once again use essential oils.

i recommend the Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanse to start your cleansing process. You can go to the health food store and buy a copy of this cleanse. Do it for 7-10 days. cleansing allows the body to work towards fighting off disease–it helps us to clear up an overloaded system and clear away toxins, mucous, and parasites that may have built up over years. There are many other cleanses to follow up after the Master Cleanse like herbal colon cleanses, colon hydrotherapy, intestinal fiber cleanses, enzyme cleanses, and Parasite cleanses.

Don’t forget to support your immune system while you are going through a cleanse. Jusst remember that when you get a reaction to an essential oil it is not due to an antigen-antibody reaction but due to the interaction of the essential oil components with the toxicity of your body.

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