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Has been used on wheat allergy

9 June 2009 1,117 views No Comment

While not that common, food allergy is an external allergy that is a result of a food ingredient not liked by our body’s immune system. While there are many types of food allergies, a wheat allergy is something that has generated a huge interest among itself because of the difficulty faced by people suffering from a wheat allergy. Occurring when a person goes through an unfavorable reaction to gluten or any other protein present in wheat, a wheat allergy is not only unnerving but also requires a person to stay vigilant about what he eats. While you are suffering from wheat or gluten allergy, you will feel aggravated symptoms of wheat or gluten allergy whenever you have eaten food that is made with wheat or comes with wheat ingredients.

Even though the exact number of people who suffer from a wheat allergy is not known, it is commonly believed by many researchers and statistical data analysts that around 40% of population has either shown signs of a wheat allergy sometime or the other or is suffering from the effects of it. Although wheat consumption is strictly advised against, users will start to feel symptoms of a wheat allergy either instantly or after a period of one to two hours after ingestion of wheat or wheat based product. Some of the most common symptoms of a wheat allergy are skin rashes, stomach pain, itchiness, hives, eczema along with other symptoms like chest pain, gastrointestinal problems, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea as well as abdominal cramping.

Causing contraction of throat, swelling of tongue and thus hindering with the process of breathing, a wheat allergy is a disease that needs users to stay careful from all food articles that have wheat as an ingredient. Difficult to diagnose, doctors have to carefully eliminate each food item from your diet in order to reach at a conclusion whether it is a wheat allergy or not.

If you want to treat yourself from a wheat allergy, one of the first steps to do so is to stop eating foods that have wheat as an ingredient in them. Very difficult to do, wheat has become such an integral part of our staple diet that no food feels complete with a bread loaf, pasta, or even ketchup! Even though you are able to restrict yourself from eating food that contains wheat, doing so will not only lead to serious deficiency but will also mean that you will have to look for other forms of nutrients that were otherwise taken from wheat.

Mandatory especially for children, a wheat free diet should be supplemented with some other food articles that fulfill the requirements of out body and do not hinder with your growth. While some people can get cured from a wheat allergy, others will have to live with it for the rest for their lives.

If you have higher tolerance towards wheat, you can use some medicine that would help in reducing a wheat allergy. With the use of natural supplements, you can fulfill your need for nutrients and help your immune system to work at its best.

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