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Garden of Eden restaurant food catering trademarks life

24 July 2009 1,250 views No Comment

Eden Foodservice, part of Initial Facilities Services, has received the Food for Life catering mark for 96 primary and special schools within the Croydon area.
The company, working in partnership with Croydon Council, has achieved the bronze accreditation, which recognises greater use of fresh, seasonal, local and organic ingredients, high welfare meat and sustainable fish.

Eden Foodservice has undergone a detailed auditing process to demonstrate they meet a range of required criteria including freshly preparing at least 75 per cent of all dishes on site.

In addition, meals are required to contain no undesirable food additives, hydrogenated fats or GM ingredients, whilst using meat that conforms to UK welfare standards and eggs sourced from cage free hens.

The Food for Life catering mark is a Soil Association accreditation scheme to help leading caterers provide fresh, additive-free and responsible food to their customers. From the autumn term the catering mark logo will appear on all Eden Foodservice Primary and Special school menus used within Croydon schools.

Simon James, managing director of Eden Foodservice said: “The award of the Food for Life catering mark recognises our ongoing commitment to providing high quality school meals and promoting food education. Our efforts with Croydon Council have resulted in healthy and appealing menus using only the best available ingredients across all 96 schools.”

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