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Food tests raise safety concerns

16 February 2009 1,188 views No Comment

Of 10,900 food samples the Centre for Food Safety tested in November and December, 43 were found to be unsatisfactory.

A Chinese parsley sample contained trace amounts of isocarbophos, a pesticide.

One Chinese white cabbage, one Chinese flowering cabbage, one baby spinach and two Chinese spinach contained cadmium.

A frozen suckling pig sample contained oxytetracycline, an antibiotic.

Two samples of smoked pork sausages contained the banned preservative sorbic acid and two fresh beef samples contained sulfur dioxide.

Two marinated chicken gizzard samples contained salmonella.

A fried mud carp ball sample contained malachite green.

Three ling fillet samples and three black cod fish samples had mercury levels that exceeded the legal limit.


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