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Fi Asia in 2009 the Chinese food additives industry in Shanghai

24 June 2009 1,676 views No Comment

Food ingredients Asia-China opens in Shanghai today and the foodingredients industry will be there. After the unprecedented success of the2008 show, Food Ingredients (Fi) Asia-China will once again run alongsideHealth ingredients (Hi) and Natural ingredients (Ni), as well as CPhI, P-MECand ICSE, on 23-25 June, 2009 in Shanghai, China.

Ingredients for Healthy Living

The success of the show underscores an increasing interest in health andnatural ingredients. By running all three ingredient shows simultaneouslyunder one roof, organiser United Business Media (UBM) says exhibitors willbenefit from unrivalled visitor numbers, while visitors will have access toan exhibitor base that is both broad and focused.

Traditional Chinese Medicinal ingredients (TCM) are being tested by majorinternational corporations like Unilever and research organizations such asWageningen University for use as functional food ingredients. China isalready a leading suppliers of herbal extracts like artemisinin, solanesol,St. John’s wort and gingko extract, and is set to become a major source of”superfruits” like Goji and seabuckthorn berries which are gaining worldwideattention.

Fi/Hi/NI China Event Manager Vincent Brain says “With concerns abouthealth and obesity remaining high on the agenda, the co-location of Healthingredients China and Natural ingredients China will enable manufacturers tosource ingredients that will make their products stand out to consumers. Withinnovative products on display and a number of product launches, visitors canfind solutions that will give their products a competitive advantage”

Safety concerns high on the agenda

China has enjoyed a reputation as an international, low cost supplier offood ingredients, however safety scandals have recently rocked the foodindustry in China. After years of development, China’s comprehensive new FoodLaw was put into effect on June 1, 2009. Fast on the heels of this importantlegislation, Fi Asia-China will provide visitors with the opportunity to seehow the industry in China is responding to these new requirements.

The popular FiPSS (Food ingredients Processing Safety & Services)Pavilion will provide a forum for Chinese food manufacturers to seek advicefrom providers of traceability, microbiology, processing and quality controlproducts and services to ensure food safety standards and regulations arebeing met.

The world’s fastest growing market for ingredients

The promise of cost effective, safe ingredients is a major factor in theindustry’s enthusiasm for Fi Asia-China. However, equally enticing is theopportunity to explore the incredible potential of the Chinese market. As Mr.Brain explains, “Whilst the present economic climate has hit consumerconfidence, the Chinese food industry is still expected to grow an additional109% by 2013.

China’s new middle class remains a resilient market forinternational companies looking to protect their revenues as core marketsmature”.

As UBM anticipates another successful event, the company attributes thissuccess to its efforts to continually evolve its shows’ content to meet thedemands of the food ingredient industry and provide a showcase for growingglobal markets.

Show details Fi Asia-China, Hi China and Ni China 2009 June 23-25, 2009 Shanghai International Exhibition Center Shanghai, China For more information, please visit www.ingredientsnetwork.com
About the organiser

United Business Media is headquartered in London, UK. The office in theNetherlands is the organiser of the world-leading Health ingredients, Foodingredients, CPhi, ICSE and Informex series of food and pharmaceuticalingredients trade shows. The Dutch office also publishes International FoodIngredients Magazine For more information, visit www.ubm.com.

Ms. Valerie Snow of UBM International Media, +31-346-559-460, fax, +31-346-573-811, valerie.snow@ubm.com

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