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FDA issues warning about sexual enhancement supplements

8 November 2009 3,373 views No Comment

The US Food and Drug Administration on Thursday warned consumers about a sexual enhancement product sold online as a dietary supplement because it contains undisclosed prescription drug ingredients that could have potentially dangerous side effects.
Stiff Nights, a product sold to spur sexual enhancement and treat erectile dysfunction, was found to contain sulfoaildenafil, a pharmaceutical ingredient similar to the active ingredient in Viagra. The chemical could interact with nitrate drugs, which can lower blood pressure to dangerous levels, according to the FDA. Men with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or heart disease are often prescribed drugs containing nitrates and also often experience erectile dysfunction.

Sold on the Internet and at retail outlet by Impulsaria LLC, the product violates federal laws that regulate the marketing and the ingredients contained in dietary supplements.

“Because this product is labeled as an ‘all natural dietary supplement,’ consumers may assume it is harmless and poses no health risk,” said Deborah M. Autor, director of FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Office of Compliance in a statement. “In fact, this product is illegally marketed and can cause serious complications.”

Since 2004, the FDA has identified products for treating erectile dysfunction and enhancing sexual performance that contain potentially harmful and undeclared ingredients and that are sold online. Online products to avoid include:
Lycium Barbarum L.
Adam Free
Rhino V Max
True Man
Energy Max
HS Joy of Love
Blue Steel
Super Shangai
Strong Testis
Shangai Ultra
Shangai Ultra X
Lady Shangai
Shangai Regular, also marketed as Shangai Chaojimengnan
Naturalë Super Plus
Xiadafil VIP tablets (Lots 6K029 and 6K209-SEI only)


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