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European Food Law Handbook

4 March 2009 1,861 views No Comment


European food law has fundamentally been reformed in the last decade. We now come to the point where the modern European Union food law has taken shape. The new European food law handbook, written in the perspective of food law embedded within the general EU law, highlights the consequences of  this combination and provides insights in both substantive and procedural food law.

The handbook of the two Wageningen researchers Bernd van der Meulen and Menno van der Velde analyses and explains the institutional, substantive and procedural elements of EU food law, taking the general food Law as a focus point. Principles are discussed as well as specific rules addressing food as a product, the processes related to food and communication about food through labelling. These rules define requirements on subjects like market approval for food additives (like the E-numbers), novel foods and genetically modified foods; goods hygiene, tracking & tracing, withdrawal & recall. The powers of public authorities to enforce food law and to deal with incidents are set out. Attention is given to the international context (e.g. WTO and Codex Alimentarius), as well as to private standards.

The handbook is produced in co-operation with the European Institute for Food Law and is relevant for practitioners and scholars both with and without a background in law.

European Food Law Handbook, Bernd van der Meulen, professor Law and Governance  and Menno van der Velde, associate professor, both at Wageningen University.

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