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Eggless Stuffed Breakfast Burrito

11 May 2009 2,590 views No Comment

Hungry? Here’s a novel idea: Have a snack that actually satisfies.

“Most people don’t realize what a 200-calorie snack looks like,” says Hungry-Girl.com creator Lisa Lillien.

“They think, ‘Oh I’ll just eat this little energy bar,’ but you can actually have real food for that many calories.”

Lillien’s book “Hungry Girl: 200 Under 200” (St. Martin’s, $19.95), which hit shelves last week, features recipes under 200 calories that boast low-fat and other healthy ingredients.

But these aren’t the typical bland and boring diet-food ingredients.

Take her Every Day Is Thanksgiving Salad, which has holiday ingredients like turkey and sweet cranberries.

Or the, hello, Chicken Fajita Lettuce Cups, which feature guacamole and boneless, skinless chicken breasts.

“I’m a girl that eats,” says Lillien. “I eat six times a day. I want something good and that’s healthy, too.”

And a handy list of “Hungry Girl Staples,” the most common ingredients in Lillien’s clever recipes, proves that these snacks are budget-friendly.

“The money-saving trick is buying the staple ingredients that can make more than one meal – like mixing and matching,” she explains, adding that sticking with in-season produce can also save you a pretty penny.


Cut bacon into small, bite-size pieces. Set aside. Spray a small pan with nonstick spray, and bring to medium-high heat. Add bacon pieces, mushrooms, pepper and onion to the pan. Stirring occasionally, cook until bacon begins to crisp, about 4 to 5 minutes. Add spinach leaves, and cook and stir until the leaves have wilted. Add shredded cheese, and stir until just melted. Remove pan from heat and set aside.

Warm tortilla in the microwave for about 10 seconds. Lay ­tortilla flat and spread cheese wedge on top of it. Evenly layer spinach mixture over the cheese-topped tortilla. Place diced tomatoes on top of spinach mixture. Fold in the sides of the tortilla, and then slowly roll tortilla up from the bottom to top. Enjoy!

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