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Cyclical problems you yeast infection?

15 April 2009 3,720 views No Comment

Nowadays infections are a very common problem that affects most women at some point. Experimenting between the numerous over the counter and prescription medications can be a daunting task and of course expensive.

If you are tired of the discharge, itching and other unpleasant yeast infection symptoms, maybe it is time you learned the facts about effective yeast infection treatments- about a prescription drug called Diflucan. It is important to understand what a yeast infection is. A fungus called Candida is the main culprit responsible for triggering a vaginal yeast infection in women.

Although it is both beneficial and normal to have some of this yeast in our bodies, when Candida multiplies or spreads throughout the body it can result in a number of illnesses and conditions, including a yeast infection.
Many women are misinformed about what can actually aggravate or cause a yeast infection. Learning to recognize what triggers a yeast infection in your body is often the best defense. By avoiding certain actions and situations, you can decrease your chances of contracting a vaginal yeast infection.

Here are some of the most common causes of a yeast infection.
1. Antibiotics. Taking prescription medications such as antibiotics for an extended period of time can cause a yeast infection. Of course antibiotics are helpful in treating many illnesses, however, the downside is that they also kill what are known as the good bacteria in our bodies. When the amount of good bacteria becomes limited, the yeast begins to multiply and the end result can be an annoying yeast infection.
2. Birth Control Pills. Many women of child bearing age are taking birth control pills. Although contraceptives are very convenient in preventing pregnancy, the estrogen in these medications may cause a vaginal yeast infection. If you are constantly battling a recurring yeast infection, you should try talking with your doctor about the different types of oral contraceptives available. Many brands of birth control pills today contain reduced amounts of estrogen which can reduce or eliminate the number of active yeast infections. If changing your medication does not help, you should consider a different type of birth control.
3. Diet. An unhealthy diet can often aggravate or trigger an existing yeast infection. By eating well balanced meals and limiting your consumption of junk foods, you can improve your overall health and lessen the chance of the infection. Sugar should especially be avoided. In order for Candida to flourish in your system, it needs nourishment. Wheat products and sugar are known to cause an overgrowth of Candida in many women. Women who have diabetes are more susceptible to a vaginal yeast infection because of the amount of elevated blood glucose in the body.
4. Sexual Transmission. Unfortunately Candida can be transferred between partners during sexual contact. So even men can have a yeast infection, although it is not as common as in women. The yeast infection can be difficult to eliminate unless both partners are treated at the same time. To make matters worse, men frequently do not experience any of the common yeast infection symptoms, therefore making it harder to diagnose. If you or your partner suspects a possible yeast infection, following safe sex practices is recommended until the condition can be treated.
5. Allergic Reactions. Today there are a number of feminine hygiene products on the market from perfumes and douches, to feminine deodorant sprays. While these products may help you feel clean and fresh, the chemicals they contain can cause an adverse reaction. In fact, many doctors will try to discourage women from douching because it can greatly reduce the amount of good bacteria necessary to fight Candida. If the good bacteria are reduced, yeast infection symptoms may soon follow.
6. Abnormal Immune System. People with a weakened or compromised immune system are more likely to experience a recurring yeast infection. If you have other health problems or are under a great deal of stress, you will need to treat those problems in order to overcome any yeast infection symptoms. Patients with HIV can have an extremely difficult time beating a yeast infection. Hey should first consult with a physician about the best method of treatment.

Ways to Treat a Yeast Infection:
1. Traditional Yeast Infection Treatment
Although there are many over-the-counter remedies available that claim to cure yeast infections, you should seek a doctor’s opinion. A qualified physician will want to first diagnose the condition and then examine you for any underlying causes that may not be obvious. Traditional treatments for a vaginal yeast infection include: suppositories, oral medications and creams.
2. Alternative Methods for Yeast Infection Treatment
Some women may wish to use natural or alternative methods for yeast infection treatment. While some of these methods may provide relief, they can also be helpful in preventing additional occurrences after the first yeast infection has been successfully treated.
Some of the more common home remedies used for yeast infection treatment include: cranberry juice, acidophilus tablets and homemade douches made with garlic, plain yogurt, vinegar or potassium sorbate.
3. Diflucan
If you have tried the above treatments and are still troubled by stubborn yeast infection symptoms, it may be time to try Diflucan. Diflucan is a prescription product that provides effective relief for most yeast infections. This medication is available in a convenient tablet form and most patients usually only require a single dose. And many women prefer it to messy creams and suppositories.

Although Diflucan can be taken safely by most patients, you should inform your doctor of any other prescriptions you are currently taking. Also Diflucan is not recommended for patients who suffer from serious health problems such as liver disease, HIV or renal impairment. Women who are pregnant or breast feeding should also not take Diflucan.

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