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Choose your food options wisely

3 March 2009 1,126 views No Comment

I see many athletes, some I’ve known many years that constantly talk about their inability to lose weight. Additionally they constantly complain about joint stiffness and achy knees. In the last 30 years people in a whole host of countries around the world and led by the United States have a diet that is radically different than those from recent previous generations. With the increase of fast food options and the amount of preservatives in much of our food supply, the world has gotten fatter. In most countries, the citizens are anywhere from 10-30% heavier than two generations ago. This increase in heaviness is the result of an increase in food with a high fat content and a decrease in physical activity. With athletes, a busy life includes skimping on time to fully plan food options for at least 3 healthy meals per day. Typically athletes consume more calories that they actually need for their daily requirements. 


Consequently, the quality of life has decreased across the board and we see many in their 40’s to 50’s suffering heart attacks and strokes. Cancer has also affected this age group of people more so than their previous generations. According to www.pubmed.com, the five major diseases that are the leading causes of death could be triggered by inflammation. But we do have food options if we choose to take them to try and increase our quality of life. We will also enjoy better athletic performance if we heed the benefits of healthy food choices.

1. Reduce consumption of fast food options to once a week if you have to. 
2. Reduce or eliminate the amount of processed foods we eat on a weekly basis.
3. Reduce the amount of fat we eat in a day to under 40 grams.
4. Reduce your intake of salt by 50%.
5. Increase the amount of water intake per day to over 80 oz. for an adult over 100 lbs.
6. Increase your intake of fruit and vegetable to at least 7-8 per day.
7. Reduce traditional red meat consumption down to 3 oz. per day.
8. Increase your daily aerobic exercise to 30-45 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week.
9. See a registered nutritionist and have them prepare a meal plan for you to reduce your body fat percentage to the normal levels for both men(15%) and women(20%).
10. Research liquid natural health supplements that have maximum antioxidants and start taking them on a daily basis.

There you have it. Using these easy changes and some common sense can help you improve your quality of life and improve your athletic performance

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