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China International Food Expo

14 August 2009 1,821 views No Comment

Event Profile:
Launched in 2006, China International Food Expo is a showcase for manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers from around the world, representing all of the key sectors within the food and beverage, food processing and packaging machinery trade. This exhibition will be held three days between 8 to 10 Oct, 2009 at Changsha, Hunan Province in the China and organized by the China Council For the Promotion of International Trade.

Visitor’s Profile:
Visitor profile include – Restaurateurs, Hoteliers, Chefs, Owners / Operators, Caterers, Managers / Assistant Managers, Food and Beverage Managers, Institutional Food service Professionals, Purchasing Agents, Hotel Staff & Supervisors, Dietitians are the target visitors.

Exhibitor’s Profile:
Profile for exhibit includes Beverages, Wine & liquor, Fine Food Specialties, Meat & Poultry, Marine Products, Fresh & Processed Fruits & Vegetables, Biscuits, Ingredients, Confectioneries & Snacks, Allied Products & Services, Additives, Preservatives flavorings, Colorings, Raw materials, Spices, Packaging materials and equipment, Processing machinery and refrigeration facilities, Pet food, Food storage facilities.
China Council For the Promotion of International Trade
No. 11, Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.

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