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China has taken measures to ensure that the National Food Safety

16 July 2009 1,250 views No Comment

The Beijing Food Safety Administration will conduct a three-month campaign on food safety from July 13 on to ensure food safety during the National Day celebrations.

An official from BFSA stated that, under the leadership of the municipal government; the health department; the department for industry and commerce; the quality supervision department; and the agricultural department of the city will each take measures that are complementary to each other to guarantee the food safety of the city by combining their daily duties with this campaign. The official told local media that departments would work to crack down of the illegal use of food additives and focus on the supervision of 11 kinds of food including vegetables, fruit, children’s food, dairy products, poultry and meat products, aquatic products, and bean products.

In addition the parties will enhance their efforts to manage food of such key areas as the Great Parade of the People’s Liberation Army, government offices, foreign embassies in China, schools and transportation hubs.

Beijing will also abolish illegal food manufacturers and sellers, particularly food processing workshops, wholesale markets, and mobile food booths.

So far, Beijing has already begun to station inspectors on 29 main roads to check animal products transported into the city.

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