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Chen Kemin Food Ingredients restructuring in order to support economic growth

14 April 2009 1,093 views No Comment

Kemin Food Ingredients announces structural changes as the company continues to expand to meet the increasing needs of the food industry. 
“With several anticipated product launches in 2009, these changes will enable the company to meet customer demands and support future growth,” says KP Philip, president of Kemin Food Ingredients. 
As part of the changes, Melanie Galloway is promoted to senior vice president of North American and European sales.  In this role, Galloway will assume responsibility for commercial activities in Europe and North America.
“Melanie has been instrumental in the commercial success of Kemin Food Ingredients in North America where she has grown the business well over 20% per year,” says Philip.  “Her combined experience and leadership will undoubtedly lead to even greater success of the European business.”  
Kemin also plans to appoint a business director to oversee European commercial operations in the near future.  The additional support in the European market will enable Kemin to meet and exceed customer demands in the region.
“The continued growth in our European operations is in large part due to the demand for our natural rosemary-based products,” says Philip. 
As part of the Kemin commitment to provide solutions that keep food safe, fresh, looking and tasting good, the company will introduce a rosemary-green tea blend into the European market later this year.  The product, developed specifically for the meat industry, will provide maximum efficacy with a low flavor profile.
Kemin markets rosemary-based products under its Fortium® brand that has had unprecedented uptake.

Kemin – Inspired Molecular Solutions™
Founded in 1961, Kemin Industries Inc. (www.kemin.com) provides health and nutritional solutions to the Agrifoods, Food Ingredients, Pet Food and Human Health and Pharmaceutical Industries. Kemin operates in more than 60 countries with manufacturing facilities in Belgium, Brazil, China, India, Singapore, South Africa, and the United States.

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