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Button at the abundance and prosperity in 2009

14 March 2009 1,221 views No Comment

Despite the challenges that swirl around us, 2009 has the potential to be the Best Year Ever. In fact, the unraveling of what has been and the new possibilities taking shape provide the perfect canvas on which we can all paint the life of our dreams more vividly than ever before. The key to tapping into this shimmering field of potential is listening within and aligning with our spiritual purpose. I’ll explain here why I believe this is true and how we can all come into a place of greater joy, love and prosperity.

Entering the Portal of Radical Prosperity

First, I will explain what I mean by “radical prosperity.” It is as simple as having what you want and wanting what you have, but with a healthy dose of being what you want and wanting what you are thrown in. While I fully support the idea of health, happiness and abundance, I also see how the quest for wealth has set many people on the “path of least fulfillment”. Once we buy into the vision that we must hate what we do and become slaves to that work, we are lost. Whatever success we experience on this road will be next door to selling your soul for the promise of bigger and better things. The sad fact is none of these things mean much to us if we lose ourselves in the process of attaining them.

When we become enslaved to the idea of attaining, the path we walk becomes darker as we find we must make ever more life-defeating choices. We have seen these choices being made in the world in recent times as companies defiled the environment to make profits, as ruthless investment schemes robbed thousands of their savings and babies and pets were knowingly poisoned by toxic food additives. The list is endless. At the core, we have seen people turning on each other, on themselves, on the environment, on all kingdoms of life for the sake of manifesting wealth. These scenarios have played out on the world’s stage to show us it is possible to excel in worldly abundance but remain impoverished in spirit.

Now the curtains of the illusion are being drawn back so we can begin to ask the questions of “what is true wealth?” “who am I?” “why am I here?” Many of us who have been asking these questions for some time now are feeling more validated than ever before about the choices we’ve been making and the priorities we’ve placed on nurturing and growing our inner life. Over the years it has become increasingly clear to me that we ARE wealth and all we need do is learn how to allow the health, happiness, joy and abundance that we are.

“End Times” Signal the “End” of Spiritual Misalignment

The new energies now “amping” up are exposing and dissolving everything that is not aligned with spirit. These energies are asking each of us to look within ourselves to find any areas of misalignment. They are asking us to examine our intentions, our actions, our reasons for being here at this time. They’re asking us to re-envision our lives, the bigger picture of life on Planet Earth and the universe. It’s by coming into a holistic and aligned vision that we’re able to begin practicing radical prosperity.

We’ve just completed a year when old, misaligned energies began to unravel. We saw this on the world’s stage when scenarios based on greed and lower intentions fell by the wayside. This set up a great longing in the collective consciousness for a new world order based on peace, compassion and all that is holistic. Already new “environmental” curriculums are being designed at universities, new creative innovations and ideas are being brought forward, and old definitions of health, spirituality and abundance are being challenged. There is a turning away from the selfish narcissism that has ruled much of the last century. A new generation is coming forth to lead the way to the New Time on Planet Earth.

At the personal level, there is a new awareness of the need to love and nurture one’s self at every level. The need for a healing, healthy diet to satisfy the body’s need for nutrition, movement and exercise; the need to heal old emotional wounds; to still and calm the mind; and to integrate one’s spiritual path into every aspect of one’s being. Spiritual communion is no longer seen as something remote and removed from the individual, requiring middlemen such as religion and other hierarchies. Spiritual communion is the air we breathe; it is the sunlight that shines on our face as we move through our day. It is everything we undertake with the full focus of open hearts and minds; it is every step we take with the intention to move closer to our purpose and the true nature of our being.

This not a transition that can be navigated by “sleepwalking” or making decisions on autopilot. It is a time for alert listening. If you stay alert and awake, if you become fluent in the language of your soul — if you ask for guidance and open to receive it, you will come into alignment to the deepest desires of your soul. By following your guidance, you will find yourself always in the right place at the right time, navigating the changes taking place here in Earth school with ease, gratitude and the true abundance of your spirit.

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