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4 Food consumption should be avoided

10 May 2009 1,081 views No Comment

Soft drinks

Almost every one of us has had a period of their live when we slept with the cola bottle on the nightstand. But just one cup contains about 150 calories, the equivalent of 10 spoons of sugar, 30-35 mg of caffeine, food additives and colorants. And the light versions of soft drinks are as toxic if not more as the normal beverage because of the artificial sweeteners used. Studies have proven that some artificial sweeteners can favor the development of cancer in the human body. The consumption of soft drinks has been linked to various diseases like obesity, dental cavities, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis.

Doughnuts, the love of cops

They contain two extremely refined foods, white flour and sugar, and are fried in high temperature oil which leads to changes in it. By heating oil it become extremely toxic for the human body. Just one doughnut can contain between 200 and 300 calories, the majority from sugar and it contains 30% to 40% unhealthy fatty acids. Your body tries to react to the sweet intoxication by getting nausea and teach you a lesson to never eat a doughnut again.

French fries

French fries are the most consumed food by all age categories. French fries contain unhealthy oils just like doughnuts do. Because of all the unhealthy oils they have an oxidant effect on the body, accelerating the aging process. The starch from potatoes contains only carbohydrates without the required vitamins and minerals found in fruits. A portion of French fries damages the body as smoking a cigar.

Chips the crunchy delight

If you should avoid eating French fries you should also avoid eating potato chips. Not only do they contain lots of unhealthy oils but they also contain lots of food additives. When watching a movie try eating an apple instead of a bag of chips.

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