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Why organic food is to human

17 March 2009 1,213 views No Comment

Organic food is the food that has been prepared sans harmful chemicals, such as herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. A complete organic food also prohibits the use of anti biotic in feeding animals. Though the yields from organic farms are lower, the benefits of consuming organic food are multi fold higher than consuming conventional foods.
Children and pregnant women are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of artificial fertilizers and it is worth spending a few more dollars on organic foods. Studies indicate that, in organic foods, the level of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the good health, are generally higher in content and organic food tastes better, too.

The increasing awareness among the people about the diseases occurring due to the lingering effect of chemicals has made them to adopt organic food consumption. The organic foods are not only healthy but are also friendly to the environment because they are available in packs that contain only green materials and hence can be recycled easily.

While conventional foods are chemically treated while still in the ground and thus exposing the soil to chemicals, organic foods are not done so. This helps to protect the soil as well as our environment and maintain in its natural state. Also, in the production of organic food, additives such as preservatives, sweeteners and hydrogenated fat that may cause toxins in the body are prohibited. Even agricultural workers are exposed to the toxins of fertilizers.

The animal products like meat and dairy that claim to be organic are the ones got from animals that are given only organic food. Even though there may be a debate on the amount of benefits organic foods offer, it should be agreed that even very little benefit can contribute to great health effects in the long run. Organic food contains nutrients two to three folds greater than conventional foods.

To get a well formulated balanced diet, careful planning is done and a diet plan is formed and followed. When such efforts are marred by using conventional foods that contain harmful fertilizers, the whole effort becomes futile. It is better to take organic foods and stay healthy and be free from the perils of diseases, by developing immunity.

There is a social aspect also in consuming organic foods. The soil is a limited natural resource and when artificial fertilizers are used, it depletes the fertility of soil and makes them unusable for the future generations. So, it becomes our duty to switch over to organic food and encourage its production so as to preserve the fertility of the soil and also ensure a chemical free planet to live in. Hence, one small step towards an organic food is a giant step towards preserving the Nature and doing something great for the mankind.

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