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Where To Find The Best Natural Remedy That Works for Some Infections?

4 November 2009 2,550 views No Comment

Using a natural remedy for infections is obviously the healthier and often more effective choice. There are many natural herbs that are considered to be extremely effective in both the prevention and treatment of infections. In fact, for the most part, any herbal treatment that is used as a natural remedy for infections have been used for centuries, and have had studies done to prove their effectiveness.
Sinus Infection
To find a natural remedy for sinus infection, you may think it is very difficult. Actually that is not true. The appropriate products for sinus infection can be found at either your local regular grocery store or health food shop. So, it is easy to find a nature remedy for this type of infection.
The first option is to use grapefruit seed extract (GSE). You can use the grapefruit seed extract (GSE) by diluting it in warm water and then putting it into a bottle or nasal sprayer. Next, use it to spray up your nose every hour or so until your symptoms of sinus infection begin to subside.
Another option is the Rhinotip, which is a smooth plastic attachment. It has been designed to fit over a jet tip wand of nearly all dental irrigators. The unit should then be turned on to a not so high, suitable and comfortable setting, in order to obtain cleansing, rejuvenating, and circular irrigation through the nose openings. This process is considered to be very useful as the nose is the entryway to the sinuses and respiratory tract. Therefore, proper maintenance of a healthy nasal environment is necessary to overall respiratory health and sinus infection.
Sinus irrigation is another good solution, which is considered to be an effective natural remedy for most sinus infection. This include that of sinusitis infections, rhinitis, rhinorrhoea, postnasal drip, nasal polyps, Wegener’s, dry or blocked nose, allergies and hay fever, catarrh as well as pain and headaches. As the ear, nose and throat are all linked together; there can be a knock-on effect once you start the process of cleaning and healing in even one of those areas.
Yeast Infection
Whether it is a dislike for man-made chemicals or just plain embarrassment, many women seek a natural remedy for a yeast infection. They have several options to try, through some experts, experimentation or some medically-backed information.
Yogurt is the number one recommended natural remedy for a yeast infection; it is due the presence of lactobacillus acidophilus which produces hydrogen peroxide which kills yeast. Most women using yogurt, they just simply apply it directly into the vagina. Some suggest to use or tampons or fingers of a rubber glove. The mentioned method is an individual preference.
Next, by eating a lot of yogurt may be a better natural remedy for a yeast infection. Why? This is because yogurt has shown results in preventing the infection. But take note, before you try this solution, use only unflavored and plain yogurt and make sure it contains acidophilus.
Garlic is another natural treatment that has been recommended by some experts. The preparing process is very simple. At night, wrapping a peeled clove of garlic in gauze and inserting it into the vagina till next morning. Remove it when you wake up, and it has shown to kill yeast infections. For easy remove, you may want to tie a string around the cloth, so to make pulling it out easier. If you choose to use this natural treatment, make sure you don’t knick the clove while peeling off the Garlic skin.
Another recommendation is using tea tree oil. First, the upper part of a tampon is coated with KY-Jelly. Next, ensure that tea tree oil is absorbed into the cotton, then applying the oil and inserting it into the vagina. Some people have reported that stinging if the oil touches the outer areas of vagina.
Boric acid is also another useful natural remedy for a yeast infection. Boric acid is a very strong treatment; it will stop the growth of yeast infection. Some experts recommend using it as a capsules form, filled with boric acid as suppositories for easy consume.
Potassium sorbate and Brewing Beer are also used to stop the growth of yeast infection. To apply, use a tampon dipped in potassium sorbate solution inserts it into the vagina during bedtime and removes it in the next morning. This method and all other options should be continued apply until a day after the symptoms subside. If you feel something is not correct or going wrong, consult your doctor immediately.
Bladder Infections
In order to avoid getting a bladder infection, one has to taken out certain means of prevention. There are: having adequate fluid intake, taking showers not baths, genital areas prior to and after having intercourse, practicing good hygiene, not resisting the urge to urinate, cleaning and it has also been advocated that the natural cranberry juice can reduce the incidence of a UTI.
UTI-Clear, it is a unique formula natural remedy for bladder infections. It contains a total of 7 therapeutic herbs. It combines several potent herbs in order to relieve the symptoms of cystitis, urinary tract infections, and bladder infections. Only a few drops of UTI-Clear can help to clear the bladder infection and stop it from recurring repetitively. Children also can use this particular natural remedy, and the results usually can see after or within one day time.
The key ingredients in UTI-Clear are: arctostaphylos uvs-ursi, achillea millifolium, Melissa officinalis, agothosma betulina, avena sativa, hypericum perforatum, vaccinium myrtillus and Echinacea angustifolia.
Taking the proper precautions to prevent getting a bladder infection and using a natural remedy for infection is the smartest and good idea. Prevention is always better then cures.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit Home Natural Remedy to learn more about natural remedy for a sinus infection and natural remedy for a sinus infection.
One Tree Hill

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