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What is in your food?

10 July 2009 1,718 views No Comment

Is it a surprise that many people are becoming aware of the foods they eat and are constantly in search of the most natural alternative? Natural is the hype, and many slumping organic industries are suddenly opening their doors to welcome the health-conscious multitude.

What’s the big deal? It’s always about being healthy and making sure you stay healthy to live your life and dreams. It is food from which you draw those essential nutrients needed by your body to stay alive. You eat to sustain life, not the other way around.

Everything we do right now is on the fast lane. Don’t we all love munching on our favorite burger and fries, served with the friendliest smile? No dishes or mess to clean. You just get food whenever and wherever you want it. You can even have it delivered to your home and ready for you to eat. Life is so easy… until it gnaws away every healthy cell in your body.

Food additives are wonderful inventions that preserve the taste, flavor, aroma, and shelf-life of our favorite food. It makes food easier and cleaner to carry around. No more rotting, oxidation, and foul stench. If you don’t like them, you can always dispose it in the nearest trash.

The FDA always make sure you get the latest list of what’s safe and what’s not when it comes to your food additives. But, there are those which can harm your body. For this, we see more demands for organic produce. All those unhealthy preservatives may come cheaper by the penny, but they’ll surely rob you of something precious. In fact, food may even contain those hormone disrupters, caused by the marvels of the plastics and Bisphenol A leach. That’s not a really good news, when you have food additives on top of it.

Scouring the web, there are 10 top food additives you need to avoid:

1. Monosodium Glutamate or MSG
2. Sodium Nitrates and Nitrites ( ex. processed meat, hotdogs )
3. Aspartame
4. BHA and BHT
5. Trans Fats
6. Potassium Bromate ( in bread )
7. Olestra
8. Sodium Chloride
9. Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone or rBGH injected in cows for it to have more milk
10. Food Colors like Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow

There are many more, but these are top food additives to watch for. Most harmful food additives are released during the heat of cooking. Vegetables and fruits are not safe too. This is why they tell you to wash them very well, before eating them raw.

What’s very bothering is that all of these harmful food additives have become an indispensable part of our daily diet – from that innocent-looking bag of chips to the hot soup served in the restaurant. Most of these have been attributed to obesity, heart diseases, nervous disorders, Diabetes, migraines, cancer, and yes – even death.

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