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The spice back to dining

8 September 2009 1,987 views No Comment

We all do it: fall back on the old standbys when preparing meals for our families.  Or perhaps, due to food allergies or intolerances, we are afraid to try new things.  Or the biggest eating trap most families face: picky eaters.  But there is help.  There are lots of sites on the Internet that you can use to put some excitement back into your meals and maybe find some new favorites.

What I like to do is try a new recipe every week.  I rip them out of magazines or find them at the Food Network website.  My family and I have found some great meals that we eat all the time this way.  This keeps things fun for me as I get to try new cooking methods and ingredients and we get to have something new along the way.  I am blessed with children who will pretty much eat anything so this works well for me, but you may have to experiment to find things your kids are willing to try.  Check out some kid friendly cookbooks at the library and let your children help you try them out.  They are more likely to eat things they have had a hand in contributing to.

If you or a family member has to avoid certain food ingredients due to allergies of dietary needs you can go to Foodessentials.com and type in the things you are looking for and you will be rewarded with a list of items that meet your criteria.  For example, I typed in “high fructose corn syrup free” and got loads of things I can buy grouped by category.  This is a great site for people who adhere to a certain eating regimen.

If you find something in the back of the pantry and wonder if you can eat it safely, then head to Stilltasty.com and find out.  This site is devoted to giving you information on the shelf life of food products so that you know whether you should eat them or not.  The website is conveniently categorized so you can find what you are looking for quickly.  Next time you clean out the pantry load up this site and you will have a better picture of what can stay and what should go.

Do you often have small amounts of leftover ingredients and don’t know what to do with them? Supercook.com is the site for you.  Simply input the ingredients you have on hand and you will get a list of recipes you can make with them.  I typed in eggs, trout and parsley and got 9 recipes.  Each recipe indicates what else you will need to cook it so you can assess what you have.  This is also a fun way to try something new and healthy.

So, get out the pots and pans and gather the family – you never know what you might like!

Source: Shape Magazine

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