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Potassium sorbate is used to preserve products such as canned foods.

1 March 2010 61,641 views 4 Comments



Potassium Sorbate is a naturally occurring potassium salt that is used extensively in food preservation. When potassium sorbate is dissolved in water, it ionizes to form sorbic acid, which is effective against numerous micro-organisms such as molds, yeasts and bacteria. It is widely used in preserving margarine, yogurt, pie fillings, icings, baking mixes, cheeses, icings, salted fish, fruit products and other foods that come in packages. Potassium sorbate has been cleared for use and approved as a food preservative by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). You can easily make your own potassium sorbate preservative to use at home.

Step 1
Pour 3 cups of water into a clean bowl. Measure 1 cup of potassium sorbate (crystals, granules or powder) and add it to the water. You can purchase potassium sorbate at any large chain health food store.

Step 2
Stir the mixture for about 10 minutes or until the potassium sorbate has been dissolved. Transfer the mixture into a clean container or jar and store it at room temperature. You now have 25 percent potassium sorbate solution, which you can use to preserve your foods.

Step 3
Add 1 tbsp. of the potassium sorbate to each 1 quart of food you want to preserve. Make sure you stir it into the food thoroughly before storing the food.

source from:www.livestrong.com

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