1.Excellent preservative properties
Sorbic Aicd(Potassium Sorbate) can restrain effectiverly the activity of mould .yeast and
Aerophile bacteria.Restrain growth and reproduction of the pernincious microoraganism as
Pseudomonas.Staphy lococcus Salmonella Action to restrain growth is more powerful than
Killing,Meanwhile, it can not restrain useful microoraganism growth as Anaerobic spore-bearing
Bacilli,Acidoophil Therefore to lengthen food store period and remain food original flavor.The
Preservative efficiency of Sorcbic Acid (potassium Sorbate)is 5~10time sodium benzoate.
2.Hight Safety
SorbicAcid |(Potassium Sorbate) is one kind of nonsuturated fatty acid-compounds.It can
Be absorbed by human body rapaidly, thendecomposed into co2 and H2O,more over no remaining in body
ADI 0-25mg/kg(based on Sorbic Acid Fao/WHO 1994)
LD50 4920(FDA,182.3640.1994)
It is toxicity only 1/2times table salts and 1/40times sodium benzoate.
3.Good stability
Sorbic Acid (Potassium Sorbate)is stable in steale steale status,will not be decomposed until270℃。It will beoxidizd into colored ones and absorbing moisture in case exposed in air for a long time.
4.Wide application
At the moment Sorbic Acid (Potassium Sorbate)has been used extensively in tkkd,drink,vegetable in soy,tobacco drugs,cosmetics,agricultural products,forage and other domain.It is application should be wide and wide in the world.As acidic preservative, Sirbic Acid(Potassium Sorbate)is also used well in neutral food ,(PH6.0-605),The preservative efficiency of sodium of sodium of sodium benzoate will decrease clearly and havea bed taste while ph﹥4.
5.Application flexibility
Sorbic Acid (Potassium Sorbate)can be used by dirdect adding,spraying,retting,dry
Spraying,using in packing material and other method.