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Organic food Healthy Living

5 July 2009 1,468 views No Comment

Harvests produced and progressed under specific conditions are known as organic. For a crop to be recognized under stipulations of organic food, it is necessary for the crop to abide by a number of set laws and regulations provisioned under diversified agricultural acts.

Organic crops are grown in alteration free, natural soil which differs from traditional method of crop production. Use of Artificial insect killers, genetically modified seeds, chemical based and manure based fertilizers are restricted in this type of production.

Organic food is much beneficial in comparison with the traditionally grown harvest. The organic foods are identified by the scientists to endow with healthier range of food for people prone to food allergies, food preservatives and chemicals. Several studies have confirmed that people dealing with above mentioned problems can be cured or trim down their troubles by consuming only organic food.

In conventional farming, a large number of chemicals are sprayed to guard crops against various types of insects and fungi’s. These chemicals remain in vegetation till the time of consumption and goes into the body of the individual upon consumption of the crop.

Majority of the times, Organic foods are fresh at the time of consumption for the reason that these are cultivated on small farms and are sold in nearby markets. Secondly, process of rotting in the production is also high as no preservatives are being used for storing the vegetation.

Organic farming is safe for the environment. Birds and animals are also safe from side effects of these chemicals due to absence of chemicals sprayed on crops. This type of harvesting is also helpful in maintaining the low level of pollution.

The rate of soil corrosion is low and fertility of soil and water protection is enhanced, moreover, air and water remain pure and unpolluted as there is no presence of pesticides. All this make the ambiance healthy for people living in that area.

Organic food cultivation is suitable for kitchen gardening. Kitchen gardening of organic food also saves money as organic food items are on an average 20% more costly than normal food items. Organic food is good for healthy living.

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