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Normal Healthy Body Will Not Develop Cancer

25 February 2009 1,109 views No Comment

Natural and powerful defenses in a normal human body make cancer impossible; a normal healthy body cannot and will not develop cancer. With a diet of healthy, rich organic food these diseases can be reversed. Charlotte Gerson, daughter of Dr Max Gerson and founder of the Gerson Institute says nutrition alone is not the solution; we also need to remove the poisons.

All chronic diseases are the result of a dual problem, namley deficiency and toxicity. Let’s look at deficiency. One of the major problems is what we do to the soil. Our basic foods are grown in soils that are mineral deficient. Most commercial fertilizers contain 3 minerals; potassium, nitrogen and phosphorous however the soil requires approximately 52 different minerals to restore it to its natural state. These additional minerals have not existed in farmed soils in US since 1923 which means that we are missing rich minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, etc. in the foods that we are eating.

What about the toxicity in our food? Plants have their own defense against diseases, pests and fungus. When soil is deficient, however, plants are also weak and deficient and are more easily attacked by pests and fungus. Farmers combat this by treating their crops with toxic pesticides and herbicides.

Even if we eat only commercial vegetarian food we eat deficient, toxic food because with all this pesticide and fertilizer, our food is deficient and toxic.

We then need to consider the additional harm caused by food processing and added chemicals. Some 10,000 chemicals are approved by FDA as being safe as a food additive. When one is detected as harmful it is replaced, and the replacement is usually worse. We are now facing a situation where our nutrition-deficient food has added toxins from pesticides and herbicides, and also has added chemicals due to food processing.

Dr Ian Brightthorpe M.D. states that our depleted soils lead to depleted nutrition, which leads to depleted health. He also relates the problem of cancer to depleted soils, agricultural systems, nutrients drawn out of soil and farming soils becoming deserts. Nearly every food available in shops has been processed and nutrients have deteriorated. While we feel we are eating a well balanced diet, we are actually deficient. Additives such as salt, sugars, fats, colors and preservatives damage the body’s communication system and causes massive damage to cells. He agrees that to turn soil back into functional soil we need to put the nutrients back.

To restore food to its nutritional and healing state, natural waste materials from this food, such as compost, must be put back into the soil. From this we can grow nutrient rich foods and when we consume this food in its fresh state we are restoring the natural and powerful defenses in our body that will make cancer impossible.

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