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19 February 2009 1,463 views No Comment

Medicines are those substances, by which any disease is treated or any kind of pain (severe or the acute) is relieved. Basically, there are lots of medicines available for the treatment purpose of a single disease. But it is essential to prepare the medicine under the invigilation of a qualified chemist. Generally, lots of researches are done before creating a new medicine. Since maximum of the medicines contain a trace amount of drug, so it is essential to perform the research works carefully to determine the exact amount of drug necessary to make that a proper medicine. Now the manufactured substances will be called a ‘medicine’ only after it passes some of the necessary accreditation level of some organization. After that approval that medicine could be distributed in the market and sold by the hands of the chemists’ stores.

Chemists should have the license to open a ‘druggist and the chemist store’. It is the duty of the customer to verify properly if the ‘druggist and chemist’ store is legal or not. The legal chemist stores generally, don’t sell the medicines without the prescription written by the doctor. Interestingly, now we have lots online druggist and chemist stores available that are selling the medicines with the legal license.

Among the medicines, the most common one is the ‘traditional medicines’. Traditional medicines are those medicines, which were manufactured some centuries ago and before the invention of the ‘modern medical science’. According to WHO, the traditional medicines consist of the practices like the ‘Ayurvedic’ medicines, the herbal medicines, the traditional Chinese medication, the Unani medications, ‘muti’ (the medication of ancient South Africa), and ‘Ifa’. Who also includes the mineral and the animal based medications to the list of the traditional medicines.

Among the family of medicines, the medicines for the cough, flu and cold are the most sold ones. Basically, cold and flu is the common disease among the men of all walk. The medicines for the cold or flu generally come in the form of liquid. In fact there are lots traditional medicines for the cold and flu is available since the centuries ago. The medicines for cold and flu in generally contain the following agents or ingredients: Bryonia Alba, Pelargonium sidoides, Eucalyptus globules, Aconitum anpellus, Phosphorus, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium sempervirens, and Ipecacuanha. It is necessary to intake the medicines for the cold and flu as par the dose direction, the doctor gave.

Even we have lots of medicines that cure the problems of the haemorrhoid or the laxatives. Basically, lots of traditional medicines are available to cure this disease. It is seemed that these types of medications consist of the agents like the liquid paraffin, sorbic acid, the benzoic acid, the Saccarin sodium, and the sodium sulfite. The consultancy with the doctor is very much needed since the prolonged use of these medicines can cause the problems.

Now, if you want to buy the medicines that are mentioned above, then you must go through the website healthinajiffy.co.uk/non-pharmacy-medicines-c-10.html. This website sells these medicines in reasonable price and the quality of the medicine is assured.

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