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Horse feed, animal feed and other agricultural products at the same time in order to continue to obtain the face of historical machines

8 September 2009 1,664 views No Comment

Mill Specializes in All-Natural Horse Feed, Poultry Feed, Other Farm Animal Feed
MERIDIAN, Idaho–(Business Wire)–
The Feed Mill, a seven-story local landmark that has made horse feed, poultry
feed and other farm animal feed since the early 1900`s, is getting a new coat of

“Sales of all-natural feeds will continue at the mill throughout the project,”
said Callie Novak, vice president of Dynamite Marketing, which owns The Feed

The work has its challenges. A boom lift allows painters to reach the top of the
silo. The mill is made of three different materials: cement, metal and wood,
each requiring a different type of paint.

Idaho`s Zamzow family, which purchased the mill in 1953, has been producing
all-natural horse feed, poultry feed, and other animal feeds for four

Mill personnel still make hand inspections of incoming ingredients. It is
believed to be one of the only animal feed mills in the country that prohibits
antibiotics, chemical preservatives, fumigants, meat, bone meal and other
contaminants on the premises.

“This is important in manufacturing horse feed and food for other sensitive
herbivores such as alpacas, ostriches and emus,” Novak said. Products for
carnivores, such as dog food, are produced at a separate location.

“A lot of people are amazed to learn they can still walk in and buy farm animal
feed,” she said. “We want to preserve the mill and the approach to animal health
that it represents.”

Dynamite products also are available through more than 4,000 individual
distributors. All products use only natural ingredients. The recently developed
Ultimate Dog Food is a raw dog food that does not need to be refrigerated.

“Our roots are in healthy horse feed,” Novak said. “Our horse supplement was so
far ahead of its time that we have seen other companies use some of our original
feed technology and introduce it as `new` – 20 years after we first introduced

Additional information is available at www.DynamiteMarketing.com or by calling

Release Summary:

The Feed Mill, a local landmark that made horse feed, poultry feed and other
farm animal feed since its construction in the early 1900s, is getting a new
coat of paint.

Keyword Tags:

animal feed, dog food, horse feed, poultry feed



Jo Murray Public Relations
Jo Murray, 208-726-5869

Copyright Business Wire 2009

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